In Times Like These

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with its turmoil.     Psalm 46:1-3 HCSB

Once again, here in southeastern Louisiana we brace ourselves for a hurricane predicted to come in at a category 4 or 5. Landfall is predicted to come in on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Yesterday there were people lining up at the pumps, flooding into Walmart and making preparations for this storm.

We need to be prepared, but we don’t need to panic. I was one of those who sat for a few minutes in line to get our gas cans filled for our generator. I took time to order a few items for our Walmart pickup. But the most important thing I did yesterday to prepare for this storm was to pray.

As Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel arrives in a nearby town and a sense of dread comes in for those of us who faced Katrina, I hope that people are praying more than they are panicking. I hope that we can stop long enough and realize who is truly in charge here. I hope that no matter what we go through, we cover it in prayer. I hope that we are always thankful for the privilege to go to our Lord and Savior in prayer. I am so thankful for Jesus who died on the cross and the fact that He intercedes for me with His Father in heaven.

As Christians, this is our time to remain calm and trust in the Lord. This is our time to help those who are lacking in faith. These may be uncertain times. We may have no idea what our future holds, but we certainly know who holds our future. So, as our Scripture passage says, “Therefore, we will not be afraid,”.

Here in southeast Louisiana we don’t have mountains to topple, but we do have plenty of waters to roar and foam. But, our Scripture passage tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.”

In times like these when there is so much uncertainty, I am so grateful that I can be sure of my God. I can be sure that whatever we go through, He will be right there. I can trust in Him to be my refuge. I know that He gives me strength. He never promises us a life free of trial and tribulation while we are here on earth, but He does assure us that He is there walking with us through the fire and through the flood.

I serve the God who parted the Red Sea, who kept a young Daniel safe in a Lion’s den, who walked through the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who brought forth a savior, born of a virgin. This same God that I serve is where I find refuge in times like these. The same God that brought the Israelites through the Red Sea and drowned their enemies in that same sea is the God I serve. So, I trust in Him.

If you don’t have a good, solid relationship with the Lord, well now’s a really good time to establish that. Trust in Him. If you do have a good, solid relationship with the Lord, then I know you are prepared to ride out this storm and trust in Him come what may.

We have a worldwide pandemic, fighting in Afghanistan, and a hurricane headed our way here in southeast Louisiana. In times like these, I thank God that He is there for me. He is there for you too, if you will only turn to Him.

Have a great day!