Ignorance is Impotence

For we know that our old self was crucified with Him in order that sin’s dominion over the body may be abolished, so that we may no longer be enslaved to sin, since a person who has died is freed from sin’s claims. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him because we know that Christ, having been raised from the dead, will not die again. Death no longer rules over Him.   Romans 6:6-9 HCSB

In Warren Wiersbe’s commentary on the book of Romans entitled, Be Right, he said, “Christian living depends on Christian learning. Duty is always founded on doctrine. If Satan can keep a Christian ignorant, he can keep him impotent.”

Paul used the word “know” three times in this chapter. He wanted us to understand the basic doctrine. He wanted us to understand that when we are saved our old sinful person dies just as Jesus died when He was crucified. We also must know that just as Jesus raised up from the dead we walk in a newness of life. We are new creatures in Christ. In Him, we have victory and even power over death. In Him we have eternal life.

If we are truly saved, we no longer want to sin. We don’t deliberately sin and if we mess up and sin, we are convicted and want to repent. You’ve often heard me say that studying the Bible helps us to get to know our Lord and Savior. The more we know Him, the more we will love him.

Francis Bacon an English Statesman and Philosopher is crediting with saying, “Knowledge is power.” Since that time, others have said, “Applied knowledge is power.”

I’ve also heard it said, “You can be pitiful, or you can be powerful”. As human beings we want to be knowledgeable and we want to be powerful, but we must understand that wisdom comes from the Lord and power is found in Jesus Christ.

James 1:5 tells us if we lack wisdom, we can ask God who gives it generously and without reproach. Solomon did this and in doing so, pleased God so much that God also gave him incredible wealth and honor (1 Kings 3:3-14).

In John 15:5, Jesus said, “I am the vine you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” A branch of piece of fruit that falls from the vine withers and dies. Jesus is illustrating our powerlessness without Him.

It’s sad to watch people who claim to be self-made and boast in their strength and power. Eventually, their pride leads to their downfall (Proverbs 16:18).

We only have two options as we go through this life. We can study God’s word and get to know Him and love Him and grow in Him and His power or we can remain ignorant.

If we study God’s word and get to know Him and love Him, we will die to our old sinful self. We will want to live a life that pleases Him.

If we remain ignorant, we will please the devil. We will also fail to be able to tap into the power of the Almighty God.

God gives us a choice. He loves us, but He doesn’t force us to love Him back. He never forces His protection or His power on us, we must choose to accept Christ as our Savior and therefore receive His protection and His power.

I lived too many years of my life being ignorant and impotent. For the longest time, I felt I had to control things. I had to look out for number one. I finally realized all I had done was spin my life out of control. When I surrendered control, then I realized His awesome power in my life.

He wants to do the same for you. All you have to do is ask.

Have a great day!