If You’re Blessed and You Know It

Then God said to Balaam, “You are not to go with them. You are not to curse this people, for they are blessed.”
Numbers 22:12 HCSB

The story of Balak and Balaam is one in which we see that if God has blessed someone they cannot be cursed. Balak wanted to pay the prophet Balaam to put a curse on the Israelites, God’s chosen people. When Balaam prayed to God about what to do, our scripture passage was God’s response to him.

Time and time again in the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, we get these awesome stories of God fearing men fighting against all odds and coming out victorious. Not because they were such great warriors, but because God was with them. David and Goliath is a perfect example to prove that point and there are many more.

Last Sunday, I asked for prayer in my Sunday School class. My sister and I have been dealing with some difficult tenants on rental property. A friend and member of our class called me the night before our eviction hearing and told me that as she was praying for us, today’s scripture passage came to mind. She told me that we were blessed by God and although these people may try to curse us they would not be successful.

In the hearing, these people told many lies and then the moment I spoke accused me of being a liar. Wow! But then I remembered what my friend had told me. I am blessed by God. I am a blood bought child of God. As we went into this situation, I was hearing Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For it is the LORD your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.”

My friend, we are living in some very evil times. People will perpetrate evil against us. People will tells lies against us. People may even attempt to harm us, but we must remember the awesome power of the God we serve.

Our title today comes from the childhood song, If Your Happy and You Know It. The lyrics repeat that three times and then they say, if you’re happy and you know it, your face will surely show it.

My friend when life gives you lemons, know that God is already squeezing them to make you a tall, refreshing glass of lemonade. Don’t be discouraged when evil people come against you. Remember that you are blessed by God and let them see the peace and joy that a true believer has in Jesus Christ. Our peace and joy are dependent on God’s love for us and the knowledge that He goes with us no matter what we are walking into. It is not dependent on our circumstances or what others say about us or attempt to do to us.

I am so grateful for not only my biological family that stands by my side, but also for my church family that prays for me and gives me strength.

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and have trusted in Him as your savior, then you are blessed. It may not always feel like it, but you have chosen to live in the protection that He provides (Psalm 91:1) and you have nothing to fear. Oh you may get a little nervous, that’s human nature. But, back that nervousness and anxiety down, by reminding them that you are blessed. You have trusted in the LORD as your savior and He fights your battles for you (2 Chronicles 20:15).

Now, if you have not made the decision to trust in God, please know that we are living in some perilous times. The truth is that God could return to rapture us at any time. When this happens, you do not want to be left behind. Be sure that you have a good, solid relationship with your Lord and Savior. Be ready for the rapture and be blessed while you wait.

Yes, we are living in some difficult times, but know that God’s got this! Surrender to Him today.

Have a great day!