If You Know What’s Good For You

Let those who fear the LORD say; “His faithful love endures forever.” I called to the LORD in distress; the LORD answered me and put me in a spacious place. The LORD is for me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?  Psalm 118:4-6 HCSB

Our title today is something that you may hear in a movie where the villain is trying to encourage someone to do things their way. Or perhaps your parents used it on you to coerce you to do as you were told. But today I want to ask with all sincerity, do you know what is good for you?

Many of us think we know what is good for us and we go about trying to make it happen. We spend our time trying to manipulate the people, places and things around us for our own good. This is a lot like spinning your wheels in the mud, it gets you nowhere.

In our scripture passage today, notice that the LORD’s name is in all caps. I just recently learned in Bible study that refers to God’s mighty power or His omnipotence. God has the power to give us good things. God wants to give us good things. He knows what is good for us because He knows what our future holds. He knows what will be happening in your life five minutes from now and ten years from now. Having that kind of view into our lives, He certainly knows what is best for us. This is why I have often thanked God for unanswered prayers or prayers where He simply told me no. There are times in my life where had God given me what I asked for, my life would have been much more difficult down the road. But, He chose to give me what was best for me. He gives me what’s best for me now and what’s best for me 20 years from now.

Years ago, God said no to something I wanted terribly. I worked really hard to get it and God said no. I had put several years of schooling into getting this job. I had worked full time while going to school full time and it had cost me dearly and God said no. I was heartbroken and just couldn’t understand why He would do this. As the years went along, it all made perfect sense. He had better plans for me. He knew my future. He knew where I needed to be and what I needed to be doing. He gave me something better than what I had asked for.

God knows what is best for you even if you don’t. He wants to give you good things, but you must submit to Him. He is not going to play tug of war with you. If you continue to pull against Him, He will let go and you will fall flat. But if you surrender to Him, He will take good care of you. He will bless you beyond measure.

I was thinking back yesterday to the worst trial I have yet come through. I thought about how God worked it all out. I thought about the times that I tried to take matters into my own hands and how God immediately let go of the rope. It taught me to let go and let God.

If you are struggling and striving to get what you think is best for you, stop. God knows what is best for you and He wants to give it to you, but you have to allow Him to do that. You have to surrender your all to Him and trust in Him.

If you fear the LORD, you can be sure that His faithful love for you endures forever. He will never let you go. Man cannot harm you, He will take good care of you. Trust in Him and know that He will work all things out for your good if you simply love Him and live your life according to His purpose and His will and not your own. Quit struggling and surrender your life to Him. I promise you, it will be the best decision you ever made. If you truly know what’s good for you, you will give it all over to God.

Have a great day!