I Never Saw It Coming

Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you. Instead, rejoice as you share the sufferings of the Messiah, so that you may also rejoice with great joy at the revelation of His glory.  1 Peter 4:12-13 HCSB

There are many things in my life that have not turned out as I imagined they would.  Sometimes our dreams become our nightmares.  I have learned the hard way that when our wants don’t line up with God’s will, the outcome is not usually good. Now, had I learned this much earlier in life, I could have saved myself a lot of grief.

But one thing is certain, we are going to face hard times.  It is just a part of our life here on earth.  We are going to go through those fiery ordeals. We can rest assured that our lives will be full of ups and downs. It’s how we go through these trials that makes the difference.

For many years, I foolishly thought that other people needed to change.  You see, the problem is I don’t have the power to change anyone. Only God has that kind of power. I can pray for their change, but that’s entirely up to God. And of course, God gives us free will, so they have to be willing to change. But, I do have the power to change myself. I do have the power to give my life over to God.  I do have the power to trust in Him. I have the power to live in the shelter that He provides.

I think back to times and relationships in my life that turned out so differently than I had hoped and planned. I’ve had things thrown at me that I never saw coming, but God knew they were coming. God was right there ready to help me through those times.

You see, once I turned my life over to God, He was there to protect me.  He was there to work all things out for my good. I have actually come through some things that at the time I thought were just awful, but God used those times to work things out in the best possible way for me. There were times when I thought my life was falling apart only to find that God was just putting it into place. There were times when I felt like the Israelites at the Red Sea and was amazed when God parted the water and let me walk through on dry land.  There were times when I felt as though I had been thrown into the furnace and I could feel God walking me safely through the fire.

We have no idea what our future holds, but we can have a close personal relationship with the One who holds our future in His hands. I’ve often heard it said that we have either just come through a trial, are going through a trial, or are about to go through a trial. Yesterday we talked a bit about God’s armor.  My prayer for you today is that you are suited up and ready for whatever battle you may face.

As Christians, these fiery ordeals should not throw us off our game, they should make us play harder. Trust in God, rely on the strength and power that He provides, live in His shelter. Be ready for what life throws your way.

And allow me to give you a little hint, the fiery ordeal is sure to come but remember what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger. You may not see it coming, but you know that in time it will come. So if you are going through that fiery ordeal, give it over to God and trust in Him.  If you have just come through a fiery ordeal, draw close to God and rest up for the next one. If you have been trouble free for any period of time, thank God for this time of peace, but suit up in the armor He gives us for the trial that is sure to come.

Most importantly, don’t be surprised. Trust in God and know that whatever comes your way, He’s got this. There is no problem we will ever face that is too big for God. And by the way, spoiler alert, He always wins!

Have a great day!