I Don’t Have To Lift Weights To Be Strong

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.   Philippians 4:13

This simple little verse became my mantra when I was going through some tough times. There were days when I just didn’t think I could do it. But unlike the little engine who said, “I think I can”, I quoted this verse and I knew I could, with God’s strength.

Now we all know that if we want to be healthy exercise is important. Cardio and resistant training are equally important to keep us healthy and strong, as is a proper diet. But the strength I’m talking about here is not the kind of strength that allows us to carry heavy objects, it’s the kind of spiritual strength that allows us to go through the trials and tribulations we face as a part of life here on earth. The great thing about this strength is that we don’t have to go through any grueling physical exercises to get or maintain it. We simply have to trust in God. We have to rely on Him and His understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, being a Christian is not for sissies. It takes great strength. There is always plenty of people around us that are trying their best to kill our enthusiasm for Christ, steal our joy and destroy our witness. The devil uses those around us to do his best to turn us away from God or to cause us to sin. But, with God’s strength, we are stronger than anything the devil throws our way.

Now, if you want physical strength, we know that lifting weights or resistance training builds our physical strength. You must continually train in order to maintain your strength. You must eat right.

We build our spiritual strength through prayer and Bible study. The deeper our relationship with the Lord grows, the more spiritual strength we will have. We will have the strength needed to withstand the devil.

On a scale of 1-10 (one being weak and 10 being really strong) how strong would you say you are? If you are feeling weak, know that with God’s strength there is nothing you can’t do. God can strengthen us to do things and get through things we never thought we could. Strength given by God cannot be defeated. When God strengthens us to do what He has called us to do, we cannot fail as long as we trust in Him.

If you feel that you are weak then you need to lift up your concerns to Him in prayer. You need to press closer to Him. You need to pick up your Bible and study God’s word. You need to exercise your freedom of religion and go to church and spend time in His house.

There was a time in my life where I was unsure if I would make it through the struggles that come with living here on earth, but once I realized I draw from God’s strength, I had no fear. I now know anything God brings me to, He will guide me through. He wants to do the same for you, if you will let Him. Trust in God and obey Him, pray continually for Him to strengthen you. Pray Philippians 4:13 when you are feeling weak and weary. He will lift you up and allow you to continue on to finish strong.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that God said to him that His grace was sufficient for Paul, for God’s power is perfected in our weakness. When we are at our weakest, God’s power is perfected in us. When we are at our weakest, God gives us strength. Turn to God today, trust in Him and He will give you strength to do what He has called you to do.

Have a great day!