Here In The Land Of The Lost

What should we say then? Should we continue in sin so that grace may multiply? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore, we were buried with Him by baptism into death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we may walk in a new way of life.   Romans 6:1-4 HCSB

More and more these days, I find myself just shaking my head in total shock at what I’m seeing. Here in America, which we like to fondly call the land of the free and home of the brave I am seeing these phrases come to mean something totally different than what they were originally intended to mean. Land of the free has come to mean that we should just feel free to live however we want to live. We don’t need to worry about God and His commands, we just do what we feel like doing. We can drink, use drugs, dress like we are auditioning for a sex trafficking position, it’s all good. Home of the brave has turned into home of the bold. We just boldly step out and do whatever we choose. We no longer have to try to hide our sin, we are proud of it.

Even so-called Christians are trying to bend the Ten Commandments to fit into what they feel like doing. My former pastor and my current pastor often like to say that someone is lost like a ball in high grass or a baseball in high weeds. I am seeing a lot of that today. We are living in a world where the majority of the people seem to be oblivious to the fact that there is going to come a time when they will have to stand in judgment for what they say and do here on planet earth.

If you ever made a public profession of faith and accepted Christ as your Savior, did you really mean it? Or did you do it because you thought it would make someone else happy or because your friends were doing it? If you really meant it then I want you to understand what that baptism meant. When you were submerged in the water this symbolized your dying to sin and being buried just as Christ was buried after He died for your sin. When you were raised out of the water, this symbolized your resurrection into a new life in Christ. A life where you want to imitate Christ and strive for righteousness. Your sin is no longer intentional. This means that you are trying your best not to slip up, but if you do you are convicted and earnestly repent.

My friend I’m not trying to be a prude, I’m not trying to be mean I just want everyone to get into heaven. The time is getting shorter with each passing second. Now is not the time to procrastinate. This is urgent.

Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality, no thieves, no greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people or swindlers will inherit God’s kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9). God’s word is very clear on who will not make it into heaven.

Maybe you were never raised in church and find some of this confusing. I urge you to turn to someone who you know is a Christian to mentor you. Find a good Bible teaching church and start attending Bible study and services. Read your Bible daily and pray throughout your day.

Maybe you went to church, were baptized, but fell back into a life of sin. Recommit your life to Him. Seek Him with all your heart, trust in Him to guide you.

Maybe you attend church every Sunday, but your heart just isn’t in it. Give your feelings over to God. Give any sin in your life over to Him and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit.

Maybe you attend church and you love the Lord, but you are happy in your little circle of Christian friends. Know that you have an obligation to reach out to those who are lost. If you know you are going to heaven, you should be striving to take as many as you possibly can with you.

Whether you are one of the lost, you are sadly watching the lost walk around this planet, or you have become disgusted with the lost, know that you have a job to do. You must first ask God to save you. A drowning man can’t save himself. Then you must get busy. We have no time to waste.

Have a great day!