Headed In The Wrong Direction?

The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who refuses to believe in the Son will not see life; instead, the wrath of God remains on him.     John 3:36 HCSB

A couple days ago, my husband and I set out to see our son and daughter-in-law’s new house. They had told us where it was and how to get there. So, we knew the general area. It is in a town about 30 minutes from where we live. We used our cell phones to plug the address in as we were leaving home. Siri did a good job with the first couple of turns, but on the third turn she tried to send us in the wrong direction. She told us to turn left when we knew we needed to go right. Of course, we turned right and recalculated and she did okay from there.

Our relationship with Jesus is often that way. We know which direction we need to go in, but other things lead us in the opposite direction. Relationships with others may lead us in the wrong direction. Our own fleshly desires can cause us to go in the opposite direction of where God leads us. Our stubbornness often lead us in wrong direction. The problem is there is only one direction in which we should go and that is the direction in which Jesus leads us. We are told in Proverbs 3:5-6, we should not lean on our own understanding, but should acknowledge the Lord in all that we do and He will direct us on the right path.

Jesus tells us in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

You often hear the term eternal life. It can sometimes be confusing when you think about it because we are all going to live forever. The question is where we will spend eternity. For those of us that stay focused on God and trust in Him and enter into a deep, intimate, loving relationship with Him will spend eternity in Heaven. Those who deny Him will spend eternity in Hell.

We have a choice to make, we have to be sure that we are headed in the right direction. Now had I listened to my GPS the other day, I would have headed in the wrong direction. I know that there are roads that it might have instructed me to take to bring me back to where I needed to be, but I would have been going the long way around to get there.  Are you trying to get to heaven, but taking the long way around? Are you looking for a way to turn so that it can lead you back to your Lord and Savior? Your Bible can help with that.

Yesterday we studied in Sunday School about the Bible and how it gives us perfect directions. The directions we receive in God’s word are never wrong. They always get us to heaven. There are plenty instructions in there about how we need to live our lives. There are also instructions which warn us against going in the wrong direction.

There are a few things we need to remember as we make this journey. The first thing we need to remember is that we are just passing through. Don’t get too tangled up in what’s going on in our world today. You are just visiting for a short while. This is not your final destination. The next thing we need to remember is to stay focused on God. We are soldiers in this spiritual battle and we must not be distracted by the enemy, which is the world. 2 Timothy 2:4 tells us, no one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian life, he seeks to please the recruiter.  Remember to always check your map. God’s word leads us in the right direction. We should not neglect prayer and Bible study as this is how we communicate with God. An intimate relationship is not possible without communication. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to neglect meeting together with other Christians. This is the best way to study God’s word.

In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul lists the armor that God provides for us. After he lists all this armor, he lists our weapon, the Sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word. Your Bible is your sword. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He resisted Satan by using the Sword of the Spirit, or God’s Word. I have used it myself and have found it to be very effective. We sometimes forget that our battles are spiritual.

Things like GPS, so-called friends, our own fleshly desires and even relatives will sometimes lead us in the wrong direction. God’s word always leads us in the right direction. Trust in Him today. Get to know Him through spending time in prayer and studying His word. Be sure that you are headed in the right direction. Remember that eternity could start for us at any minute, be sure you are headed in the direction that will get you to where you want to spend it.

Have a great day!