Having Ears to Hear

Then He said, “Anyone who has ears to hear should listen!”  Mark 4:9

Jesus gave the parable of the sower  and ended it with this verse in Mark 4:9. He ended the same parable the same way in Matthew 11:15. When Jesus wrote His letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2-3, he ended each letter by saying, “Anyone who has an ear should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.”

So, what is Jesus saying when he says anyone who has ears or ears to hear? Of course, we can see it is a call to be attentive and discern or understand what Jesus is saying. This is why Bible study is so important. We can read through our Bible and gloss over some of Jesus’ very important instructions.

We need to pay careful attention to what Jesus says in the Bible. We need to think about what He says and study what it means. We need to have a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

But to interpret some of these parables, we need more than human understanding. John MacArthur explains this in His commentary. Only those who have been redeemed will have the true meaning explained to them by the divine Teacher.

When I wasn’t walking with the Lord, I couldn’t “get into” reading my Bible. I often read and didn’t comprehend. But once I dedicated my life to Christ, I not only began to have a better understanding, but I hungered for Bible study. I wanted to learn more and more of what God teaches us through His Holy Word.

Through Bible study, I found the deeper meanings. I not only began to understand it, but I could see how it all works together. I could see how it’s the manual for how we should live our lives. It teaches us to be good children, to be obedient, to be submissive and how to be good employees, spouses, and parents.

It provides us with a Christian code of ethics in Romans 12.

When Jesus says those who have ears need to listen, He’s telling us to be alert and pay attention. In Revelation He reveals the future to us. It’s important that we pay close attention to what we need to do to be ready.

If you have not been redeemed, draw near to God. Admit you are a sinner. Believe in Him. Confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you. Repent and ask Him to help you to be free of your sin. Strive to do what is right in His sight.

You don’t have to listen to me, I’m just a human, but you desperately need to listen to Him. He has the power to save you or send you to hell. If you have ears to hear, please listen.

Have a great day!