Have You Read That Book?

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.   2 Timothy 3:16 HCSB

One way to start a conversation with someone is to ask if they have read a particular book or seen a certain movie. There are authors whose names are well-known and some of their books have even been turned into movies or television series.

I often use reading as a means of escape from my everyday life. I have enjoyed reading thrillers by James Patterson and Mary Higgins Clark. Many of their books have been turned into movies. I have enjoyed good old detective stories from Craig Johnson whose Longmire books were turned into a popular tv series.

If I should run into one of these famous people, I would be able to say I had read their books. I could discuss the characters and the storylines with them. If we are honest, though, what are the odds I would ever meet one of these authors? I would say slim to none.

But did you know one day we will all be face to face with the author of the best-selling book of all time?  It is estimated that the Bible has sold more than 5 billion copies. It is impossible to estimate how many copies have been printed. According to research done by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 2021, it is estimated that somewhere between 5 billion and 7 billion copies have been sold.

But I wonder how many people have a Bible and never read it. Have you read it? Have you studied it? Can you discuss it?

Many people use Bibles to adorn their homes, to keep in their cars, to perhaps keep in an office, but never read them. And yes, I know you can get a Bible app. I also know that while using the Bible app, you can be distracted by incoming text, emails and calls.

I’m talking about holding the Holy Inspired Word of God in your hand and reading it. I’m talking about investing in a good Study Bible or commentary and studying it.

I think back to my years in school and all the textbooks and articles I had to read. I can remember very little of what I read back in those days. But the Bible is not just something to read, it’s something to live by. It gives us instructions for day-to-day living.

It teaches us how to be good sons and daughters, husbands and wives, siblings, employees, and employers. But most importantly it trains us in righteousness. It teaches us how to live our lives in a way that leads to eternal Salvation. It teaches us how to pass through that narrow gate.

Have you read the beautiful historical narrative of God’s great love for you and me?

Have you read the war stories where God defeated His people’s enemies right before their very eyes without them having to lift a finger? Have you read the love stories where lives were saved because of the great love some couples had for each other?

My friend if you haven’t read this book, you have no idea what you are missing. I’ve read it through in a year, but I missed so much doing that. I suggest you get a good study Bible from a trusted Bible scholar and read it from the beginning of Genesis through the end of Revelation.

Take all the time you need to let it soak in. This is God’s love letter to us. Don’t miss a single word of it. Only then can you come to understand His great love for us and come to know the loving, merciful Father He is to us.

Most importantly, the Bible is non-fiction. It will teach us how to discern the truth from a lie. We are told many times not to be deceived. 2 Timothy chapter 3 begins by talking about how people will hold to a form of godliness but reject God’s power. We won’t know the difference between true men of God and false prophets if we don’t study His word.

He will never force His great love, mercy, wisdom, or redemption upon us. It’s our choice to accept or reject Him. Read it, it’s all in there.

Have a great day!