Have You Heard About Sodom and Gomorrah?

The sun had risen over the land when Lot reached Zoar. Then out of the sky the LORD rained burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the LORD. He demolished these cities, the entire plain, all the inhabitants of these cities, and whatever grew on the ground. But his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.     Genesis 19:23-26 HCSB

Maybe you heard or read the historical narrative of Sodom and Gomorrah years ago and don’t think about it. Maybe you don’t recall reading about it. The Bible gives us a historical narrative of what happened from the time the earth was created and ends with a prophecy of what is to come.

Lot was Abraham’s nephew and he had traveled with Abraham and Sarah from their home to Canaan. Their number of livestock and servants increased to the point where they needed to separate (Genesis 13:9-12). Abraham gave Lot his choice of land. Lot chose to go near Sodom because this was well-watered fertile land. Lot chose the best for himself. Perhaps this was his first mistake, putting himself first.

We are told in Genesis 9:13 the men of Sodom were evil, sinning greatly against the LORD. In chapter 18, Abraham had three visitors. One was the LORD himself and two angels were with Him. He told Abraham He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wicked ways. He agreed to spare the entire city if He could find 10 good people there.

Sadly, in these two cities, not even 10 good people could be found. Lot, his wife, his two daughters, and his two sons-in-law were the only ones to be spared. The sons-in-law thought Lot was joking and refused to leave. They were destroyed with the city.

Lot’s wife looked back after they had fled and turned into a pillar of salt. The angels told them not to look back. She was punished for her disobedience.

The LORD told Abraham the cities would be destroyed because the outcry against them was so great (Genesis 19:13). Their wickedness had reached a point of no return and the time had come for God’s judgment.

Ruth Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham, is quoted as saying, “If God does not punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!” This was after she had read a draft of a book he was writing on the downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the false idolatry of sex and technology.

Sound familiar? We live in a nation where the word pride is often used to describe a group of people that commit what the Bible calls an abomination. We live in a nation where offending someone is considered a grievous offense unless you offend God, then it’s okay.

We have begun a study of the book of Isaiah in our Friday group. Isaiah 6:9-13 are so sad. This is where God tells Isaiah that though he will prophesy God’s words to them, they will not listen. They will harden their hearts and be taken captive by Babylon where they will remain for 70 years.

Will we listen? Have our hearts become so hardened that we see and don’t perceive and hear and not understand? None of us know when we will face the final judgment, but our nation parties on as if there is no end in sight with no fear of judgment. There are churches on every corner, yet they sit half full Sunday mornings. Some have had to close their doors because their memberships dropped so low. What will it take for this nation to turn to God?

Churches, where the Bible is being taught and preached, would be busting at the seams if we only believed in God and studied His word.

We can’t control what our nation does, but we can control what we do. I ask you today to commit your life to Christ. I ask you to be mindful of all you say and do and text and post. I ask you to be sure that your words and your actions line up with God’s commands for us.

As Christians, we are being watched. We will either be considered a hypocrite or a beacon of light to those who are lost. We must lead others to Christ. We will never beat them by joining them. We must encourage them to join us.

We must be very careful. Judgment may be much closer than we realize. Turn to Christ and don’t look back.

Have a great day!