Have You Cracked The Code?

And He replied:  Go! Say to these people: Keep listening, but do not understand; keep looking, but do not perceive.
Dull the minds of these people; deafen their ears and blind their eyes; otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, understand with their minds, turn back and be healed.  Isaiah 6:9-10 HCSB

I can remember years ago when cereal boxes had coded messages on them or in them. Sometimes they would provide a device in the box to help decode these messages. Sometimes when others speak to us, we may not understand what they are saying. Jesus often spoke using parables. If you want to perceive and understand you must first admit you are a sinner. You must then believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. After doing these things, you must confess your sin and repent.

Our scripture passage for today is quoted by Jesus when His disciples asked Him why he spoke in parables. He explained the parable of the sower in Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8. A sower throws seed on the ground. The seeds refer to God’s word. The seeds that fall along the path is quickly eaten by the birds. When God’s Word is sown in some, Satan quickly takes it away, before it can take root. Some of us hear God’s Word and rejoice in it, but as soon as we step out into the world it’s as if we never heard it. The seed that falls on the rocky ground can’t take root because of the rocks. Some will hear God’s word, but will never let go of worldly desires allowing it to take root in their lives.  Some hear God’s Word and rejoice in it, but their joy is short-lived because they have no root, or never become grounded in God’s Word, and can’t stand up to pressure or persecution. Some seed is sown among the thorns and is choked out. This refers to those that receive God’s Word but the things of the world seduces them and chokes out God’s Word. The seed sown on good ground refers to those who hear the word, welcome it and produce a good crop.

In 2 Corinthians 2:14, Paul says that the unbeliever does not welcome what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated spiritually. When I was lost, God’s word didn’t make a lot of sense to me. When we are lost, if God’s word made sense to us, we would beg God for salvation, right? It seems like a catch 22 doesn’t it? I mean if you are lost God’s word is foolishness to you. If God’s word is foolishness to you, you are not likely to comply with His commands.

We are told that God wants us to pray for everyone in 1 Timothy 1:1. In 1 Timothy 1:4 we are told that God, our Savior, wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God wants us to break the code. He wants us to be able to see and perceive. He wants us to listen and be able to understand. In order to do so, we must turn away from our sin.

Are you willing to repent and turn away from your sin? This is what causes a huge problem. See, often times we believe and we want to be saved, but we are unwilling to let go of the sin in our lives. In the parable of the rich young ruler (Matthew 9:16-22), he wanted to be saved but when Jesus told him to sell all he had and follow Him, he sadly walked away. He was wealthy and had many possessions and did not want to part with his material goods.

Is there something that is keeping you from seeing and perceiving and listening and understanding? Do you have things in your life that you just want to hold onto? Are these things keeping you from an intimate relationship with your Lord and Savior?

I beg of you to let go of anything that gets in the way of a close, personal relationship with Jesus. This includes sinful habits ,attitudes and people. If you have Christian friends and loved ones and you don’t understand what all the fuss is about, isn’t it time you allow them to help you crack the code? God wants to reveal the secret to you. He wants you to turn from any sin and repent and gain perception and understanding. He doesn’t want it to be a secret. He wants the whole world to come to Him. We are told in 2 Peter 3:9 that God wants no one to perish. He wants everyone to see and perceive and hear and understand.

James 1:5 tells us that if anyone lacks wisdom, he only needs to ask and God will give it liberally to him. If you want to perceive and understand, simply ask. God wants us all to see and perceive and to hear and understand. Draw near to Him and He will help you crack the code.

Have a great day!