Growing in Grace

Therefore, dear friends, since you know this in advance, be on your guard, so that you are not led away by the error of lawless people and fall from your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.     2 Peter 3:17-18 HCSB

I strongly encourage you to read 2 Peter chapter 3 in its entirety. It’s just 18 verses long and I have chosen the last two verses as today’s Scripture passage. Peter begins by speaking of how scoffers will come in the last days who don’t believe that Jesus is coming back. They will question the rapture and even God’s existence.

They will ignore the evidence of God in His creation. In verse 9, Peter explains that God has not sent Jesus back for us yet, because of His patience. God is patient with us. He is not wanting anyone to perish. He wants everyone to come to repentance. He wants us all to be saved. If God did it His way, He would rapture everyone to heaven when Jesus returns.

But we serve a loving God who gives us a choice. He never forces salvation upon us. He gives us a choice. But don’t be deceived. For those who reject Him, His wrath will bring severe punishment.

Peter goes on to explain that the Day of the Lord or the rapture will come like a thief. He explains that the heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the earth and the works on it will be burned up. In verse 11, Peter explains that while we wait for this to happen it is clear what sort of people we should be.

We should be in holy conduct and godliness. This means we should be conducting and behaving ourselves in a way that is pleasing to God. It means we should be striving for godliness and righteousness. Romans 3:23 tells us we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. But we should be striving not to sin and be repentant when we fail.

Peter speaks of the heavens passing away and the earth being destroyed, we must remember that we are waiting for a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness will dwell.

Doesn’t that sound awesome? I long for a place where righteousness dwells. I long for a place where people are not burdened by sin. I long for a place where people don’t hate other people. I long for a place and a day where those gathered love the Lord and love each other and speak kindly to one another. I long to meet my mom and my dad and my grandmother and those who have gone before me.

We need to remember that our time here on earth is simply a dress rehearsal. It’s a time of waiting. While we wait, we must be growing in grace. This means that we not only confess our sins but also repent and accept Christ as our Savior. It means that we grow in our salvation.

We don’t remain baby Christians, we grow strong in His word. We pray we study our Bibles; we gather frequently and worship Him with like-minded believers. We make every effort to be at peace with God and found without spot or blemish.

The best way to grow in grace is to grow in the knowledge of Christ and who He is. This is done through Bible study and preaching of sound doctrine. This is done through prayer.

Once you get to know Him, you will hunger for His word. You will thirst for more of Him. You will strive to imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1). You will want to fulfill the purpose for which you were created (Ephesians 2:10).

I don’t know about you, but I am longing for my heavenly home. I know I will not see it until I complete the works God has for me here. So, while I am waiting, I must keep growing in grace and the knowledge of Him.

If you are not working and growing, you have become stagnant. This is a dangerous place to be. Pray to God to help you to grow. Study your Bible. Get involved in listening to sound doctrine being preached. Take His hand and ask Him to lead and guide you. He is waiting with open arms and will be glad to help you grow in grace.

Have a great day!