God’s Will and Our Plans

Commit your works to Yahweh and your plans will be established.     Proverbs 16:3 LSB

It has taken me a while to grasp this, but I have come to understand that when things don’t work out according to my plans, they still are working out according to God’s plans. What I mean by this is God is sovereign. He controls everything. We can be the world’s best planners, but we must understand that God has complete control over what happens in our lives. With that being said, the first and most important thing we can plan to do is focus on Him. We should always put God first in our lives.

When we do this and we commit our works to Him as the Bible verse says, He will establish our plans. It doesn’t mean that His plans will always coincide with our plans, it simply means He will take care of things for us. Sometimes that means interrupting our plans. This is upsetting, I know. I remember a time when I would become so upset when God interrupted my plans with a migraine or the flu or something I couldn’t control. I used to hate when something uncontrollable would happen and make me late for an appointment.

I have come to accept, however, that God has a reason for this. Maybe you are running 10 minutes late because God wanted to help you avoid an accident that might have happened if you left on time. He knows what is best and if we trust Him to protect us, then we must trust in His timing and His plans.

There is nothing wrong with planning, in fact it is good to plan. It’s good to plan for emergencies and unexpected events in our lives. It is good to be prepared. The problem is sometimes we get so busy planning, we forget who is in charge. We forget to rely on the one who controls all things in the universe.

There are times when it may look like the enemy is in control, but God is even controlling how far the enemy can go.

We are told in Proverbs 16:9 that the heart of a man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps. Have you committed your ways to the Lord? Do you make your plans around your commitment to Him? Or, do you allow your commitments to get in the way of spending time with Him?

We are told in Matthew 6:33, “First seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” If you want to be successful in your plans, first plan to surrender to Jesus Christ. Give Him first place in your life and let Him direct your plans and your steps.

When we do this, His will becomes our will. When our will aligns with the will of God, we will always be doing what we are called to do. Our plans will always be established because they will align with His plans. And when things don’t go as we have planned, we know it is because God has a better plan.

When things don’t go our way, we sometimes never find out why, but this is where faith comes in. We trust that it is for the best. We are told in Romans 8:28 all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. So even if things don’t go as, you had hoped or planned, know this- God is working things out for your good. Put all your trust and faith in Him and you will never be disappointed.

Have a great day!