Forming An Alliance With Evil

Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance, and he made an alliance with Ahab through marriage. Then after some years, he went down to visit Ahab in Samaria. Ahab sacrificed many sheep and cattle for him and for the people who were with him. Then he persuaded him to march up to Ramoth-gilead, for Israel’s King Ahab asked Judah’s King Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to Ramoth-gilead?”
He replied to him, “I am as you are, my people as your people; we will be with you in battle.”
2 Chronicles 18:1-3 HCSB

In 2 Chronicles chapter 17 we learn that Jehoshaphat is a king who wants to bring revival to Judah. He goes about teaching the people of his land about the laws of God. He wants to be true to the Lord and does well. He was a good king. But, for whatever reason he made some poor choices when it came to his peers. This story is a true account of what occurred between evil King Ahab and good King Jehoshaphat. It shows us just what can happen when a good person forms an alliance with an evil person. This historical account may sound familiar even if you have never read it in the Bible because you may have formed a similar alliance. Choose your friends carefully.

Jehoshaphat was a good king and Ahab was an evil king. Now there was no Facebook, Instagram or Twitter but word still traveled in those days. I’m sure if Jehoshaphat had married into Ahab’s family, he knew the man was evil. We read in chapter 17 that Jehoshaphat was doing all he could to turn Judah to the Lord. If you have read 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, you will see a pattern. When a good king follows the Lord, the Lord gives him peace. When a good king goes to war, the Lord gives him victory. Jehoshaphat was experiencing a time of peace. He had used this time to fortify his cities and strengthen his army. Apparently, he had time on his hands and decided to go visit Ahab, big mistake. Ahab wines and dines him and his people and then asks him to go to war with him against Ramoth-gilead. Ahab has 400 prophets on his payroll that tell him whatever he wants to hear. They tell him God will give him victory. They are prophets of a false god. What do they know about God and what God will do?

Jehoshaphat wants to consult a true prophet of God. There is one in the land that tells them King Ahab will die if he goes up against Ramoth-gilead. But you guessed it, this is not what Ahab wanted to hear. He not only goes to war anyway, but he puts Jehoshaphat in danger by suggesting Jehoshaphat wear his royal attire while Ahab dressed like a common soldier. He thinks he is going to outsmart God and prevent His prophecy. It’s not going to happen. They go after Jehoshaphat wanting to kill the king, but Jehoshaphat cried out to God and God turns them away from him and they find Ahab and kill him.

Now we are told in later chapters that God is not happy with Jehoshaphat for forming this alliance with Ahab who was evil. In chapter 19:1-2, Jehoshaphat returns home and is greeted by Jehu, a prophet of the Lord. Jehu tells him that God is not happy with him and tells him, “Do you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this the LORD’s wrath is on you.” Jehu goes on to tell him that all is not lost because God recognized that he did seek the Lord and had made progress in removing some of the idol worship from his land.

Jehoshaphat immediately got busy doing the Lord’s work. He had messed up, but God was giving him another chance. As he is doing all this work not one, but two big armies came against him. God helped him to defeat those without even having to fight. This is in chapter 20.

I read a post on FB this morning which said Jesus sat with sinners, He didn’t sin with them. We must be very careful about who we speak with and spend time with. We can associate with evil and try to save them, but when we meet with resistance, we must move on. Shake the dust off your feet as Jesus told his disciples. We don’t reform alcoholics by drinking with them or drug addicts by using with them.

Forming an alliance with evil people will only bring us down. Be very careful with your associations.

Have a great day!