Fear Of Rejection

Everyone the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never cast out.
John 6:32 HCSB

Fear of rejection is something most of us suffer at one time or another. Some suffer from it continuously and some of us experience it at some time in our lives. It may be while we try to start a new relationship. It may be when we apply for a job or enrollment in a school or program. With social media that fear is even greater. We can be unfollowed, unfriended and/or blocked.

But in our Scripture passage Jesus says that everyone the Father gives Him will come to Him and He will never cast them out. There is no fear of rejection with our Lord and Savior. In James 4:7-8 James tells us to submit to God, resist the devil and the devil will flee from us. He tells us to draw near to God and He will draw near to us. He goes on to say that we need to cleanse our hands, purify our hearts and calls us double-minded people. When we draw near to God, we must surrender to Him. He will help us get cleaned up, but we must give it all to Him. He doesn’t tolerate us being double-minded. We must choose God or the world.

Titus 2:11 says the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people. But we must choose to come to Him. God wants all of us to come to Him. Even though we are sinners who fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), God still will not reject us. We don’t have to be perfect to come to Him. If that were the case, we wouldn’t stand a chance. But we must believe. We must believe Jesus Christ is the Son and He died on the cross to save us from our sins. I we believe then we will live like we believe. We will want to be imitators of Christ. We will want to please Him and do our best.

We are told in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. All we have to do is admit that we are sinners, believe in Him and confess our sins. It’s that simple. If we do this, He will not turn us away.

Even better, if we do this and we mess up He will not discard us. He will still love us. Jesus goes on to say in John 6:39-40 that the will of God is that He should lose none that God has given Him but should raise them up on the last day. Everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and Jesus will raise Him up on the last day.

There is no fear of rejection with God. He will never reject us. He waits for us with open arms. If there is any rejecting going on, it will be us rejecting Him. This would be a tragic mistake on our part.

Turn to God, He will not turn you away. He will welcome you and shower you with His love and the love of Jesus Christ. All you have to do is draw near to Him and believe. If you believe, He will receive you. No fear of rejection here.

Have a great day!