Ever Wonder Why God Made Man?

So God created man in His own image; he created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and every creature that crawls the earth.”  Genesis 1:27-28 CSB

We serve a God who is complete in His Trinity. We know there is a Godhead, a Father, a Son, and the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t need other people. God doesn’t need anything we have to offer. So, why did He make us? Have you ever thought about that?

God certainly doesn’t need us. He is self-sufficient. He doesn’t need us for anything. So, why are we here? Why didn’t he just make the heavens and the earth and all the plants and animals and just stop right there? He could have had this wonderful paradise here on earth without man to mess it up.

But, He didn’t stop there. Our Scripture passage tells of God making man in His own image. He made man and woman. He gave them rule over the creatures on the earth.

Let’s look at this for a minute. God didn’t give animals the ability to speak. I know some of you fellow pet owners think that your dog or cat or goat or horse communicates with you and I know mine does, but they don’t actually talk to us. Or, at least I hope they don’t or that you don’t think they do.

God made us able to walk and talk. He did this in hope that we would walk with Him and talk with Him. He made us to be in fellowship with Him. Now, He could have forced that fellowship by giving us hearts and minds that would never even consider rejecting Him, but He didn’t do that. Instead, He gave us free will in hopes that we would choose Him.

He gave us a choice to make and hoped that we would do what was best for us.

When you think about it that way, how do you feel about the choices you have made or are making? Are you choosing to walk with Him and talk with Him daily? Do you choose to trust in Him? Do you wrap your head around the fact that He is your Creator and your Savior? Do you understand that trusting in anyone other than Him is foolish?

God made humans to love Him and serve Him and to bring Him honor and glory. Are you doing what you were made to do? If you are not you could be experiencing problems. Could you imagine doing a job that you are just not cut out to do? Could you imagine flunking out of Chemistry and getting a job as a chemist working with hazardous materials?

When we don’t live our lives in fellowship with our Lord and Savior, it’s a lot like working at a job that you are not suited for. We were made by God in His image to bring Him glory and honor. That’s it, that’s the bottom line. Now, we know that we were all given different gifts. Some of us are gifted at teaching, some at encouraging others, some at hospitality and so on and so forth. Some of us are given knowledge and talents to perform certain jobs. But all of us are made to serve the Lord. All of us are made to live in close fellowship with Him.

So, now that we have solved this great mystery, are you fulfilling your purpose? Romans 8:28 tells us that when we love the Lord and are called according to His purpose for our lives that He works all things out for our good. Are you experiencing this?

God made man to be in fellowship with Him. He made man to serve Him and love Him and bring Him glory and honor and praise. Are you doing that with your life? Are you teaching your children to do the same?

You wouldn’t use your lawn mower to vacuum your swimming pool, right? It’s not made for that. So use yourself for what you are made for, bringing God glory and honor.

Have a great day!