Even Though

Now this is what the LORD says-
the One who created you, Jacob, and the one who formed you, Israel-
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by my name; and you are Mine.
I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.      Israel 43:1-2 HCSB

This Scripture passage gives us a beautiful vision of God’s grace. The Israelites have messed up time and time again. They fall away and worship idols. God punishes them. They cry out for His help. He delivers them. They do better for a short time and then they repeat the cycle.

We read it over and over again in the Old Testament. But no matter how many times they fail, when they repent God is there to forgive them. Isaiah is prophesying their Babylonian captivity which will come about 150 years after his prophecy.

They will hear Isaiah’s words, but they won’t heed Isaiah’s words. They will continue in their sin until they are taken into captivity. The saddest thing about the Israelites is how much we are like them. We, too, mess up time and time again.

Unlike the Israelites of the Old Testament, we don’t have to bring animals to be sacrificed for our sins. Jesus paid the ultimate price. He provided the sacrifice for our sins so that we may be saved from eternal damnation.

Like the Israelites, however, we have a choice. We can choose idols, meaning anything that we put before God, or we can choose Jesus.

Verse 2 speaks of how God walked with the Israelites through all they have been through and all they will go through. He parted the Red Sea so that the waters did not overwhelm them. He parted the Jordan, so they were not swept away in its flood waters.

He will continue to walk with them through fire and through the flame. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three Israelites taken into Babylonian captivity.

The king would throw them into a fiery furnace for refusing to bow down to one of the Babylonian idols. God walked with them through the flame and kept them safe from the fire. They came out not even smelling of smoke in Daniel chapter 3.

Even though the Israelites failed numerous times, God’s grace sustained them. God’s grace will sustain you as well. Even though we fail time and time again, God is faithful to forgive us. 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Yesterday, in children’s church, as I explained God’s grace and forgiveness, one of the children asked me if there would ever come a time when God would not forgive us. Sadly, the answer is yes.

If we reject Jesus long enough, He will give us over to our evil fleshly desires (Romans 1:20-24).  This is why it’s so important to trust in Him and establish a close, loving relationship with Him. He will never force us to do this but gives us the choice.

When we trust in Him, surrender, and submit to Him, He will walk with us through the flood and the flame. He will be with us in trying times and bring us safely through.

Even though we are bound to make many mistakes along the way, He will be there for us.

Even though we will not reach perfection until He brings us to our heavenly home, He will guide us in the way we should go.

We are all sinners in need of a savior. In this life, we will walk through rough waters and sometimes it may seem like we are walking through fire. If we trust in Him and surrender to Him, He will bring us safely through.

He makes these promises to those who trust in Him. Won’t you trust in Him today?

Only then can you say, “Even though I’m not perfect, He loves me and brings me through the rough spots.”

Have a great day!