Dress Rehearsal

By Myself I have sworn; Truth has gone from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow to Me, every tongue will swear allegiance.  Isaiah 45:23 HCSB

There will come a day when everyone will bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Romans 14:11 says, “For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God.” And verse 12 says, “So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

In Philippians 2:9-11, Paul speaks of Jesus Christ when he says, “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death-even to death on a cross. For this reason, God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow-of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth-and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.

There will come a day when every one of us will bow down to Jesus and confess that He is Lord. The difference is once this happens, we will face judgment, or we will give an account of ourselves to Him.

Remember back in the days of school plays when you had dress rehearsals? This was the time your lines should have been perfected and you get everything right. It’s the time when you are ready to perform in front of an audience.

Well, our lives are actually like one big dress rehearsal. We try and try and hopefully get it right. If you read the Old Testament, you will see that the Israelites lived in a pattern of sin and rebelliousness, God would judge them, and they would repent and beg God to forgive them. God would forgive them; they would do well for a while and then go back to their same old pattern time and time again. Much like we all do.

God gives us a chance to get it right. He gives us a chance to bow down and worship Him and confess that He is the Lord of our lives. Are you taking full advantage of this opportunity? Are you studying His Word like you would study lines in a play? We do this so that we can use His Word to encourage others and to teach others.

Are you worshipping Him and giving Him glory, honor, and praise as you go throughout your day? When you talk to those in distress, do you take time to explain to them what God has done for you and what He will do for them if they trust in Him?

Jesus came to earth to set an example for us. We are given an account of His life in the gospels. We are provided with His teachings that He taught His disciples and the crowds that gathered around Him. We are given a glimpse at how he handled his enemies. We are to imitate Him (Ephesians 5:1).

In Probation and Parole, our training was constant. We trained and trained and then trained some more. I told my husband if I died in the line of duty, he would not be able to sue due to lack of training. It has been proven that whatever you do in training, you will mimic in a real-life situation. I have seen training methods change over the years because of this.

If you are studying to perform Romeo and Juliet, you certainly would not rehearse the lines from Macbeth, right?

If you train that way on Earth through prayer and Bible study, you will be well-equipped and ready to enter Heaven. You see in Heaven; it’s going to be all about Him. If we live our lives today where it’s all about Him, we are ready for Heaven.

If you live your life today worshipping idols like your job, your material possessions, and whatever else you may worship, you are living a dress rehearsal for eternity in hell with the devil.

Ask yourself today, which play are you rehearsing for? Are you preparing to live an eternity in glory with God the Father? Or are you setting yourself up for hell?

In Romans 1:20-28 we are told that we will be given over to our evil desires if we fail to acknowledge God. One day we are all going to bow, but we are not all going to make it to Heaven. You must decide today, where you want to spend eternity and rehearse appropriately.

Have a great day!