Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees

For our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.     Ephesians 6:12-13 HCSB

When we say don’t miss the forest for the trees, it could be used several ways. Some say it means to appreciate all you do have and not to focus on what you don’t have. But it also indicates that if we focus on just a tiny part of the picture, we won’t see the big picture. If we focus on one part of a problem, we won’t see the whole problem for what it is.

When people come against us and perpetrate evil against us, they are doing the devil’s work. No matter how much you are annoyed by that person, know it’s the devil who’s pulling their strings. Understand what you are up against. Know that only God can win this battle. It’s way too big for you to fight alone.

We must suit up for the battle. We must put on God’s armor to be protected. Paul lists five pieces of armor to protect the body and two offensive weapons. He lists truth like a belt. We are to wear truth as the belt that holds it all together.

He lists righteousness like armor. Our righteousness protects our core.

The Roman soldiers wore these sandals that were made not only to protect their feet and legs from weapons, but they also were spiked kind of like cleats to help them stand firm in rough terrain. Paul said we should sandal our feet with readiness for the gospel of peace. We should always be prepared to make peace when possible. If it’s not possible, then we must stand firm in battle.

Jesus said, in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.” We stand protected by truth and righteousness. We must be also do all we can to maintain peace.

We are told to always carry the shield of faith. It’s our faith in God that can brings us through the most difficult of times. We must always be faithful. Our faithfulness is our shield that protects us from the flaming arrows of the evil ones.

The helmet is extremely important because it protects our head. Paul lists the helmet of salvation. Our salvation is what protects our heads and our minds from believing the lies of the devil. We must trust God to give us wisdom and discernment when we face the enemy.

The only offensive weapon mentioned is the sword of the Spirit. My friend, Jesus used God’s word against the devil when He was tempted in the desert. I can tell you from personal experience that the devil will flee, and the enemy will stand silent when you use God’s word in combat.

Prayer is another offensive weapon. We are to pray at all times and with all perseverance. We should never stop praying for not only our own situations but for others. We should even pray for God to deliver our enemy from the devil’s influence.

Pray for the salvation of your enemy because then they can become your brother or sister in Christ instead of your enemy. Love them despite their flaws.

God gives us armor, but He doesn’t dress us each day. That’s our job. He provides it, it’s up to us to wear it. Trust in Him. Know you are not fighting a person; you are fighting the devil. Let God fight this battle, you just need to suit up and stand firm.

The devil wants us to focus on the trees or the person causing us problems and ignore the forest which is all the evil forces surrounding the situation. Don’t miss the forest for the trees, it could be a very costly mistake. Look at the whole picture and don’t get focused on one piece of the problem.

Have a great day!