Don’t Get Distracted

But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, and she came up and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So, tell her to give me a hand.”
The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.”     Luke 10:40-42 HCSB

In this Scripture passage, Jesus and his disciples were traveling, and a woman named Martha, one of Jesus’ friends, welcomed them into her home. As you know, when you invite someone into your home, you want to be a good hostess. You want your home to be clean and presentable. You want to offer them food and drink. It takes some work.

Martha is busy cooking and cleaning and doing all these chores that a good hostess does while her sister Mary sat at Jesus’s feet hanging on his every word. Martha was focused on the task at hand and Mary was focused solely on Jesus.

Are you distracted today like Martha by all these things going on in your life? Or are you laser-focused on Jesus as Mary was?

The devil loves distractions and drama and all things that can take our focus off of Jesus. We are told in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will provide all we need. He will take care of us. God has got this, just keep your eyes on Jesus. Love Him with all you’ve got. Give your troubles over to Him.

We must understand we are living in the end times. We are warned in 2 Timothy 3:1-6 of the horrible behaviors we will see in human beings in the end times. Evil seems more prevalent than it has ever been. It’s not only prevalent, but it’s something people are proud of. People flaunt their evil behavior.

Our court system here seems to allow it. It has become way more lenient in the last 8 years. We are seeing politicians who are more concerned about having too many people incarcerated than protecting innocent citizens from these criminals.

All of these issues can be very distracting. We want to keep our families safe. We want to be secure in our own homes. These are things we need to concern ourselves with, but the first thing we must do is pray daily for God’s safety. We need to pray for Him to put a hedge of protection around us and our loved ones. We need to trust in Him.

The devil will have his minions try to distract us from prayer and Bible study and attending church, but I assure you these days there is nothing more important.

It’s easy to get so busy working to do the things we need to do that we forget to give praise and honor the One we need to honor. We forget who is in control. We become distracted by the things of this world, both good and bad. Like Martha, we can even become agitated when others don’t join in and become distracted with us.

But Jesus explained to Martha that He would only be with them for a short time and like Mary, she needed to focus on Him not all the things that needed to be done. Our time on earth here is very short compared to eternity. We need to be focused on where we are going to spend eternity. We must keep our eyes focused on Jesus. We must trust in Him to guide us through life here on earth along the narrow road.

Don’t let the distractions of this world take your focus off of Him. Trust in Him today. Obey His commands and draw near to Him. Whatever you do, don’t let the devil distract you.

Have a great day!