We also speak these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things to spiritual people. But the unbeliever does not welcome what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated spiritually. 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 HCSB
There was a time in my life when I was seriously backslidden. I still attended church on a semi-regular basis, but I didn’t study my Bible. I used prayer as my 911. I didn’t even bother to read my Bible except while in church as I followed along with the pastor. My return to the Lord was gradual. I remember when I first started trying to read my Bible, I was reading the words on the pages, but it didn’t make sense. I was reading but not understanding.
This is basically what our Scripture passage is saying here. If we are not in the Spirit, meaning living a life in Christ, the Bible won’t make sense to us. We won’t really understand what we are saying. That seems unfair, doesn’t it? When we really need to understand, we won’t. What it is really saying is we must surrender to God. It wasn’t written for unbelievers.
Many extremely intelligent people are unbelievers. They look to science to explain how the earth came to be. Many believe in the Big Bang Theory. They look to science to explain things. Interestingly, most scientists who have tried to discredit the Bible have only confirmed what it says.
When we are lost in our sin, we are unbelievers. If you had asked me when I was backslidden and enjoying my sin if I believed, I would have said, “Yes.” I was living in a way, however, that showed I didn’t really understand what the Bible said about sin.
You see, I was living as if there were no God to judge my transgressions. I was living as though God would just rubber stamp my bad behavior and give me a pass right into heaven. It doesn’t work that way.
When we seek Jesus with all our heart and surrender our lives to Christ, we are filled with His Holy Spirit. When we are filled with His holy Spirit, it all begins to make sense.
Once we surrender to Christ, we won’t only want to read Scripture, we will want to study it. We will want to gather with others to study and meditate on His word.
The Bible is a fascinating read from the beginning in Genesis to the final chapter of Revelation. It is filled with lessons teaching us what we should and should not do. It has great history lessons and love stories. As my pastor said, it’s a love letter to believers. If you are a non-believer, it’s like you are reading a love letter written to someone else. It may not make sense to you.
Believe in Him, surrender your life to Him, and immerse yourself in His Holy Word. It will give you hope, comfort, peace and joy in these troubled times.
God wrote this wonderful love letter to you, study every word of it and hear what He has to say to you. This is how He speaks to us. This is how we get to know Him.
Begin by praying to Him and asking Him to send His Holy Spirit into your heart to help you to understand His word. Trust in Him. He’s waiting with open arms. Run to Him today. Study His word and learn what an awesome Father He is. Learn of His great love for you. The more you know Him, the more you will love Him.
Have a great day!