Therefore, through Him let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that confess His name. Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices. Hebrews 13:15-16 HCSB
In reading through the Old Testament, I have come to appreciate the fact that they went through a lot to make sacrifices for their sins. They had to make animal and grain sacrifices to atone for their sins. Can you just imagine having to hook a livestock trailer up to your vehicle, load a large animal and bring it to church to be put on the altar and sacrificed?
Most of us do well to get up in time, get dressed and get there.
In the Old Testament that’s the way it was done. But in the New Testament Jesus provided the ultimate sacrifice. We no longer have to bring animals to be placed on the altar. We still, however, have to sacrifice. Our sacrifice is giving thanks and praise. Our sacrifice is kindness and kind acts toward others. It’s our service to our church.
Do you sacrifice? Many of us think we sacrifice just to show up for an hour on Sunday. Well, that’s a good start, but do you praise God throughout the week? Do you live your life in a way that brings glory, honor and praise to the Lord?
Many believe the money they throw in the offering plate equals sacrifice and it does. But God wants obedience more than sacrifice. You can’t buy your way out of hell. We give our money in faith through our tithes and offerings and God blesses us for it. I’m not saying we give in order to get. I’m saying we trust God with our tithes. We focus on Him and He provides all we need (Matthew 6:33).
In our Scripture passage, it says we are not to neglect to do what is good and share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices.
It is a sacrifice at times for us to be kind to others. It sacrifices our patience and our time. It may even cost a few dollars to help someone out who is in need. We may have to share.
Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of Christ. Where would we be without His kindness and sacrifice for us?
I’d love to tell you that being a Christian is easy, but the truth is it’s hard at times. We will suffer persecution; we will go through trials and tribulations. We will have to sacrifice our time, our patience, our efforts and our money. But I can tell you that it is so worth it. It’s worth it just to have His presence in your life. It’s worth it to know that He fights your battles. It’s worth it to know you have His protection.
The bottom line is Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. God wants our obedience more than sacrifice, but our praise and our sacrifice shows our appreciation and our love for Him, just as Jesus’ sacrifice showed His great love for us.
Think about what you do from day to day. Is it all about you and your family? Is it all to benefit you? Do you show kindness to others? Are you willing to go out of your way to help someone else? Are you willing to sacrifice?
If we are going to follow Christ, we will have to make sacrifices. I can tell you from personal experience, however, it is so worth it.
Surrender yourself to Christ today. Be willing to sacrifice. Be willing to do the work He calls you to do. Be willing to be kind and to share with others.
Always praise Him with your words and your deeds.
Have a great day!