For He says to the snow, “Fall to the earth,” and the torrential rains, His mighty torrential rains, serve as His sign to all mankind, so that all men may know His work. Job 37:6-7 HCSB
We have been having beautiful weather here in southeast Louisiana. We have endured 6 months of winter. This is a bit unusual for us as the last few years our winters have been very mild. We even had two snowfalls this year!
Our scripture passage comes from Job, which is a hard story of loss and restoration. Job was a man devoted to God. He had been richly blessed. The devil comes to God and says that Job only loves God because of his many blessings. God then gives the devil permission to take everything away from Job, but not to kill him. The devil is sure that Job will curse God once he loses all that God has blessed him with. Job’s friends plead with him to admit his sin and repent. Job’s wife tells him to curse God and die. Job never gives up and never curses God and is restored many times over his previous blessings. Job knew that through all of this, God was in control.
What we need to wrap our heads around is that God is in control. I am amazed at myself when I question the King of the Universe. How could I be so stupid as to not listen to Him and do all that He commands me to do? How could I ever doubt that He can give me what I ask for? How could I ever doubt that He can provide my every need? I was so foolish for so many years. I refused to give Him first place in my life. I spent many years giving God a tiny piece of my life and wondering why my life was not going so well.
It would be years before I was able to wrap this simple mind of mine around just how awesome His power is! He created this vast universe. He determines when it will rain and when it will snow or when we will have drought. What was I thinking? I had been taught from a very early age that God was in control of all things, but I was living my life as if I had control. The more I allowed myself to believe that I was in control, the more out of control my life spun. Interesting, huh? It was only when I accepted the fact that God had complete control of all things and dedicated my life to him, that I began to realize how truly awesome He is. The very same God that put the earth into orbit calls me His child. He cares about me. He knows me by name and he knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5).
How foolish I was to ever doubt His awesome power. I spent years trying to make my life work on my terms and trying to do what I wanted to do. It is laughable to think that I thought that I had the power to control things in my life. But I can still remember the day I finally realized just who I was dealing with. On that day, August 22, 2010, I surrendered everything to God. He shook my world like a tornado. He picked everything up, swirled it all around and set it back down in perfect place. Now I will admit that when he picked my world up and started swirling it around it was scary, but I knew that I just had to trust Him and I did. Very soon after this major upset, I could easily see things falling into place. I learned on that day to trust God in all things.
My prayer for you today is that you are at the place in your life where you have peace and you trust God in all things. I pray that you can find the eye of the storm where there is calm and perfect peace even when it all swirls around you. Most of all I pray that you have a full understanding of who you are dealing with. That very same God that causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall is the same God that knows you personally and wants you to draw near to Him.
No matter how far off track you may have gotten, God still calls you home. He still wants you to come to Him. If you are breathing, it’s not too late. If you question God, just look around you. Think about who controls all things and give him control of your life. Matthew 11:28 tells us to come to Him when we are weary and burdened and He will give us rest. I know from personal experience that trying to control something that we have no control over is exhausting. Give it over to God. If he can tell the moon when to hide and the sun when to shine, he can certainly handle any problems you may face.
Psalm 46:10 says to “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The sooner we understand that, the sooner we can trade our chaos and turmoil for peace and joy. Do you know who you are dealing with? If you don’t, draw near to Him. Look around you at the wonders of this vast universe. Read your Bible. Pray to Him. Speak with a pastor or trusted friend. Contact us through this website.
If you do know who you are dealing with, then give it all over to Him. Take a load off. You will be so glad you did.
Have a great day!