
Don’t set foot on the path of the wicked; don’t proceed in the way of the evil ones. Avoid it don’t travel on it. Turn away from it and pass it by.
Proverbs 4:15 HCSB

Detour is a sign we usually dread. It means we have to choose an alternate route. We have to change our course of travel. It also usually means it may take us longer to get where we are going. Choosing the right path is extremely important.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are told not to lean on our own understanding, but to acknowledge God in all we do, and He will guide us on the right path.

In Proverbs 4, a father instructs the son about choosing the right path. The son is told to listen to a father’s discipline, pay attention in order to gain understanding. The son is instructed not to turn away from wisdom but to cherish it and embrace it. We know from James 1:5-7 that any of us who lack wisdom can ask God and God will give it abundantly without reproach.

Proverbs 4:10-19 talks about the two ways of life or two paths. We must choose which one to travel. We can choose to follow wisdom which guides us on a straight path. We are told when we follow this path we will not stumble or be hindered. We are told to hold on to instruction for it is our life. We get plenty of instruction in God’s holy word.

We can also choose to follow the path of the wicked. Our Scripture passage for today tells us to avoid the way of the wicked. It tells us evil people can’t sleep unless they have done what is evil and robbed someone or made someone stumble. In vv. 18-19 we are told the way of the righteous is like the light of dawn shining brighter and brighter until midday. But the way of the wicked is like the darkest gloom; the wicked don’t know what makes them stumble.

Then in vv. 20-27 the father describes the straight path. He instructs the son to pay attention to his words and not lose sight of them but keep them within his heart. We are told to guard our heart for it is the source of life. We are told to not let our mouth speak lies and not let our lips talk deviously. Then we are instructed to let our eyes look forward and fix our gaze straight ahead. This Proverb ends in vv. 26-27 by saying, “Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your ways will be established. Don’t turn to the right or to the left; keep your feet away from evil.

According to an article in Psychology Today by Emma M. Kockrow, Ph.D. you may make as many as 35,000 decisions during your waking hours. I encourage you to use God’s wisdom to make these decisions. I encourage you to let God guide your path.

Stay on the path God has set before you, do not turn to the right or to the left and keep away from evil. We will encounter evil as we go through each day, but we must determine not to go near it. We must detour.

As Christians we want to see that everyone is saved and goes to heaven with us. If you try to share the gospel with someone and they reject it, move on. We can hope we have planted a seed, and pray someone will come along and water it, but we must stay away from evil.

In all the decisions you make be sure to detour when you run into evil. Let God fight it, that’s His job and He does it better than we ever could.

Focus on God. Ask Him daily for wisdom and discernment to help you make wise decisions. Ask Him to help you see when you need to detour so you can avoid evil.

Have a great day!