Come Let Us Adore Him

They hurried off and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the feeding trough. After seeing them, they reported the message they were told about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.     Luke 2:16 HCSB

Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.     Matthew 2:11 HCSB

Every day we should adore Him. The hymn, Come Let Us Adore Him, was written by John Francis Wade. There were signed manuscripts found dating back to 1743. It was written in Latin and titled Adeste Fideles. The hymn was translated to English by Frederick Oakeley.  It reminds us of our most important task for this holiday season and all year long, adoring the Christ who gave His life to save us from our sins.

In a time of year when we should be focused on the best gift ever given, which was Jesus Christ, our minds are busy with so many other things. There are decorations to put up, gifts to buy and wrap, food to prepare and gatherings to attend.

It’s a time of great celebration. Sadly, for those who are lonely and depressed it can also be a time of great sadness. And what’s even sadder is that us Christians get so wrapped up in the holiday even we sometimes overlook those who are sick or lonely or in despair.

We are busy with the everyday tasks of our jobs and our family commitments. We are busy with church commitments. We are just so busy; we lose sight of what’s most important. We must worship Him. We must always adore Him. We were created in His image to be in close fellowship with Him. There are so many distractions, especially during this holiday season, but we must not get so distracted we fail to worship Him.

We must also share the good news with others, just as the shepherds did.

Our first Scripture passage speaks of the shepherds leaving their sheep to go worship Him. In verse 15 it tells us that the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go straight to Bethlehem and see what has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” In verse 16 it says they hurried off. They didn’t make excuses, they didn’t wait, they literally dropped everything and ran off to find Jesus.

Our next Scripture passage speaks of the wise men. They traveled from afar to see Jesus. They followed the star. It is estimated that Jesus was probably around two years old by the time they made it to see Him. They didn’t say, “Oh, it’s too far to go.” They didn’t say, “It’s too much trouble.” They didn’t say, “Maybe we can see Him some other time.” They too left their busy lives to go and search for this Christ child.

We go to great lengths to have a beautiful tree, to plan the perfect party, to buy the best gifts for what is very temporary. In just a matter of hours, it’s over. The tree will come down, the party will end, the gifts will be opened and, in many cases, tossed aside.

Don’t get so busy doing these things that you fail to daily give Him adoration and praise for all He did for you. I’ve been studying the book of Revelation and let me tell you my friend, in the end this is what it’s all about. It’s about us coming together at the great throne in heaven to adore Him for all eternity.

The things of this earth are very temporary. They are passing away. I’m not saying we are wrong to celebrate this season, I think we should definitely celebrate Christ’s birth. I am just saying that we shouldn’t get so busy celebrating the event that we lose sight of what it means to us.

Come Let Us Adore Him should not just be a hymn we sing at Christmas time; it should be our mantra all year long. My prayer for each and every one of us is that we adore and praise Him each and every day. It will be good practice for when we get to heaven.

Have a great day!