Choosing A Safe Place

Because you have made the LORD-my refuge, the Most High-your dwelling place, no harm will come to you; no plague will come to your tent. For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. They will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.     Psalm 91:9-12 HCSB

As a parole officer, I had clients living in huge houses in nice subdivisions and I had clients living in the worst part of town in subsidized housing or “the projects” as they are often called. The saddest thing when I would go into these areas was seeing the young children and the elderly who were forced to live in there due to circumstances beyond their control. Some places I’ve been to, the police won’t enter unless they have at least 3-4 units. This is because at any given time upon entering, they may come under attack.

I am blessed to never have had to live anywhere that I did not feel safe. I think it goes without saying that given the choice anyone would prefer to live in a home in an area where they feel safe and secure. Or, at least as safe and secure as we can be in these end times.

Our Scripture passage tells us we can do just that when we make the LORD, the Most High, our dwelling place. It says He will be our refuge and our fortress in Psalm 91:2. In Psalm 91:1 it says, “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.

It’s important that we understand the meaning of these words. If we choose to dwell in the Lord’s presence, we live in the protection of his shadow. I need you to understand how powerful this is. This means we have the Almighty God as our defender.

We have to believe in Him and trust in Him and choose to live life according to His Word. We must put Him first. When we do this, we are dwelling in the safe space He has created for us.

Wednesday night our pastor did a sermon on the study of angels. He read verse 11 to us. Do you understand the impact of this statement? God Himself will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. He will dispatch angels to take care of you. These angels will support you with their hands, so you won’t strike your foot against a stone.

We are told in Romans 8:31 says, “What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” No one can defeat the Almighty God.

God is a good Father. He wants to call us His children. He wants to protect us. But we must choose to be His child by accepting Christ as our Savior. We must choose to trust in Him and walk in obedience to His commands. When we do this, we are choosing to live under His protection.

My friend, I’ve been in some tight spots, and I thank God for being right there with me. There is no promise that we will never suffer trials and tribulations. Actually, the Bible tells us we will suffer and be persecuted. But it also tells us He will walk with us through the fire and the flood. And best of all, He will dispatch angels to our aid.

We are never alone, but we must understand one very important thing. God is not 911. He’s not there only in times of trouble. He doesn’t want to be your emergency call. He wants you to be in close fellowship with Him in good times as well as bad.

We buy alarm systems, gates, dogs, firearms all to protect us should the need arise. I don’t have a problem with these things. I think it’s important to do what we can to keep safe in these trying times. But all those things I mentioned can’t help you in a spiritual war. For that you need God’s protection and that of His angels. You need to suit up in His armor (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Choose to live in a safe place. James 4:8 says if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. There’s no better protection.

Have a great day!