
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.
2 Corinthians 5:17     HCSB

Changes happen throughout our lives. It seems just as soon as we are rolling along, and everything is going well something changes. Some changes are for the better and some not so much. Some of us are resistant to change and some love it and are constantly changing things. Take my sister for example, she is constantly building something new. If she’s not doing this, she is rearranging the furniture in her house or changing the floors or painting it a different color. I was in my house for 20 years before I started changing paint colors. I like things constant and unchanging. But I will admit that I loved my previous job where I never knew what each day would bring.

To keep things the same is good when it’s working, but sometimes it’s not working, and it needs to change. My red living room worked for many years. I had no need to paint it or change the color. My job at probation and parole worked for many years. I worked in the juvenile system for 18 years. However, when the system changed in a way that I thought was detrimental to the youth being served as well as the safety of the general public I had to make a change. I switched over to the adult system. At that time, they were still holding adults accountable for the crimes they committed. A lot of that has changed but that’s a whole other blog.

I am a firm believer in the old saying, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” When something works well leave it alone, right? I believe in that wholeheartedly. But my sin wasn’t working anymore. My saying I loved the Lord but refusing to commit to Him and surrender to Him just wasn’t cutting it. I had to make some changes. But I honestly just didn’t know how I was going to do that. One morning I was hanging clothes out on the clothesline. Yes, I still use that especially with the rising cost of utilities. I literally had a “come to Jesus” moment. I was miserable. What should have been the best time of my life was a miserable time. I was about to retire at the age of 45. I could have easily gotten another job which would have doubled my income. So, what was there to be miserable about? Well, I’m glad you asked. My sin had weighed me down. I had hoped God would just overlook it and be happy I had started going to church again, but that’s not how it works.

And let me tell you when God’s not happy with you, you won’t be happy with you. I had to confess my sin. I had to repent, and I had to ask God to help me work it all out. And boy did he ever. It’s kind of like when they level a Taco Bell and put up a whole new building. Jesus was my foundation and I had to focus on Him and leave my sin behind.

My friend once we enter into a relationship with our Lord and Savior and accept Him as our Savior, we become a new creature. We are no longer comfortable with our old sinful ways. God is not going to overlook our sin.

Our sin can make us feel like a caterpillar trapped in its cocoon. Come to Jesus. Confess your sin and repent, He is waiting to make you a new creature in Him. Trust me the change will do you good! Instead of continuing to crawl on the ground you can emerge a beautiful new creature and take flight.

Have a great day!