Can You Trust God?

And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.  Psalm 9:10 ESV

We live in a world where trust is something severely lacking. It’s hard to trust when the government tells us things that make no sense. It’s hard to trust when we see human beings with no regard for human life. It’s hard to trust when we see that harshness of this world.

When someone lies to us, we lose trust. It’s so much harder to trust that person again. Years ago, I struggled with forgiving someone who had hurt me. This person didn’t hurt me once, but continued to do so over and over again. I went to my former pastor and told him how I struggled with forgiveness as I could no longer trust this person.

He explained to me that we are instructed to forgive others, but we do not have to trust them. Often times we are hurt by those who are close to us. If we can’t trust our family members or closest friends it makes it hard to trust anyone. I want you to seriously consider this question, can you trust God?

Now before you immediately answer, “yes”. I want you to consider some things. Can you be still and know He is God (Psalm 46:10)? Or, do you take matters into your own hands because you are not trusting in God’s timing?

When things are not going as you had planned, do you jump in and try to do it yourself? Or, do you trust God’s ways are higher than your ways? Do you trust He knows what is best for you?

Do you formulate your own plan without consulting God (Proverbs 3:5-6)? Or, do you trust that God has good plans for you, even if it means you suffer a bit in the process (Jeremiah 29:4-11)?

When you are experiencing trials and tribulations, do you truly believe God will work all of it out for your good as you love Him and continue to do the work He has called you to do (Romans 8:28)?

I am guilty of all of the above. I have formulated my own plans without even so much as considering God’s plans for my life. I have grown impatient and taken matters into my own hands. I have found myself not doing what God has called me to do because I have stopped to worry about things going on in my life.

Simply put, I have failed to trust God. Maybe it’s just me and you have never experienced weak moments where your faith was severely lacking. If you have had weak moments where you failed to trust God, you are not alone.

The most important thing is that we learn from this. We must learn to trust God. We must learn to pray when our faith is lacking. We must learn to be still when God is working. We must learn patience in difficult times knowing God’s timing is perfect.

We know that with God all things are possible (Luke 1:37, Luke 1:27, Matthew 19:26). We also know that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Trusting God is a learning process. This is how we grow as Christians.

Over and over in Scripture, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous. God promises to never leave nor forsake us. We serve a God we can trust. Our Scripture passage tells us we can trust God, He will not forsake those who seek Him.

Don’t focus on all the negativity in this world, stay focused on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Trust in Him. Earnestly seek Him. Do your best to imitate Him. He will not let you down.

There will be times when your life seems to be falling apart, but this is when we must trust God. He will be sure it falls into place.

Have a great day!