Can You Stand The Heat?

If the God we serve exists, then He can rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He can rescue us from the power of you, the king. But even if He does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.     Daniel 3:17-18 HCSB

Yesterday we talked about blooming where we are planted and the Babylonian exile. The Jews had refused to obey God and God’s wrath became so great that He allowed them to be taken into captivity in a pagan land. This was punishment for their continued idolatry. Not all of them were idol worshipers. We see those who stayed true to God were well cared for during their time of exile. In our Scripture passage today, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are true to God. They are explaining to King Nebuchadnezzar that they are not going to follow his orders to worship the golden statue he had set up. He had already told them if they refused to do so, they would be thrown into a fiery furnace. Our Scripture passage is their response which only infuriated Nebuchadnezzar even more.

When the people were instructed to settle in the land and ride out the 70 years of captivity there, they were not instructed to worship the foreign gods of the inhabitants there. They were to stay true to God even when the going got tough. In the book of Daniel, the going got tough a few times. Daniel was placed in the lion’s den overnight for refusing to stop praying to God. And here Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are about to be thrown into the furnace for refusing to worship this golden man-made idol.

The question we must ask ourselves in this situation is could we stand the heat? That would seem like a logical question, right? But this is not what they took into consideration. You must consider the context here. They are surrounded by people who don’t believe in the one true God. But they thrive. They are promoted to positions of power. This must have infuriated the locals. So, they are jealous and try to cause trouble for them. Nebuchadnezzar is furious that these boys won’t worship his little statue because they are true to God. Nebuchadnezzar and the locals doubted God’s very existence. So, they tell Nebuchadnezzar, “If the God we serve does exist, He can rescue us.” This doesn’t mean that they doubted that God exists. They were willing to be thrown into the fire because they trusted God. Even if they died, they trusted they would be with God in heaven. As Christians death is a win-win for us. They are not going to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar or his golden statue, even if it means being thrown into the furnace.

So, what about you? Do you trust God even when you are faced with fire? Do you trust Him when the going gets tough? You need to ask yourself if you can stand the heat. Harry Truman is credited with saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” The meaning behind this was if you find yourself in a task that is too difficult, step aside and give it over to someone capable to completing it.

I don’t know about you, but life is too difficult for me. I had to turn it over to God many years ago. I have found myself in some situations only God was able to pull me from. God has successfully walked me through some troubled times just as He walked those three young men through that fiery furnace. He brought them out without no burns, no soot, and not even the smell of smoke on their clothes. Only God can do that.

Life on earth can be treacherous at times. We may go through some very trying times. The heat may be too much for us, but it is never too much for God. If we don’t surrender to God and trust Him with our lives, we run the risk of spending eternity in the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15 says anyone not found written into the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire.

As summer bears down on Southeast Louisiana, I am longing for winter. I am thanking God today for this little cool front that has our mornings in the 60’s. I know I can’t stand the heat, so I intend to stay out of hell. I pray you will do the same. Trust in God today. Surrender your all to Him.

Have a great weekend!