Can You Bring It To The Altar?

“Take your son,” He said, “your only son Isaac, whom you love, go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”  Genesis 22:2 HCSB

In our scripture passage today, God is telling Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering. Now if you know the story of Abraham, you know that he and his wife Sarah were up in years before God gave them Isaac. They had given up on being able to have children, but God blessed them with a son and also promised to Abraham that Isaac would be the father of many nations. Abraham had faith in God and believed that he would keep His promise. Abraham obediently obeyed and the next morning, he and Isaac and several servants traveled to the mountain.

Now we don’t know how old Isaac was when this occurred, but we know he was old enough to build the altar. When Isaac asked his father what they were going to sacrifice as they had not brought an animal, Abraham responded, “The Lord will provide.” (Genesis 22:8). Abraham’s faith was so strong that he was fully prepared to sacrifice his son, Isaac. He trusted in what God had promised to him so he knew that God had this. Is your faith that strong? If God put you to such a difficult test would you pass with flying colors as Abraham did or would you fail miserably?

Abraham had already tied Isaac to the altar and drawn his knife when God stopped him and showed him the ram that he was providing to replace Isaac for the sacrifice.

God was asking Abraham to do what God was going to do many years later. God sent his one and only Son because He loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His son on the cross for our sins (John 3:16). Now we know that Jesus rose from the dead and that we serve a risen Savior. Abraham had enough faith in the promise that God had made him that He trusted that one way or the other his son would be a father of many nations. He did not hesitate to obey God.

So, I want to ask you today, is there something God is telling you to bring to the altar? Is there something He is asking you to hand over to Him? Maybe it’s some of your money. Maybe it’s some of your time. Maybe it’s a bad habit that is harmful to your health. Perhaps your language is causing a problem and needs to be left at the altar. Maybe your attitude needs to be left at the altar and exchanged for one that reflects Christ. Whatever it is, it’s time to obey God. It’s time to bring it to the altar.

I can’t imagine finally having a son after waiting many years and having the joy of raising this child in the way that God had instructed and then being told that I have to not only give him up, but I have to be the one to sacrifice him on the altar. That is beyond comprehension for me. But for Abraham it was a no brainer. God said it, he did it.  That was that. Oh if we could all have a faith so strong.

Ten years ago, I rededicated my life to Christ. I had to leave many things on the altar so that they could be destroyed. I had to give them over to God. I still have a few things that I need to bring and leave there. What about you? Is there something in your life that God is calling you to hand over. Are you hoarding something good? Are you sitting there with a spiritual gift that is going unused? Do you have sin in your life that needs to be handed over and removed from you? Is God calling you to give up someone or something that you love?

Whatever it is, God is waiting with open arms for you to place it on the altar. Trust in Him today. Whatever you are dealing with, He is big enough to handle it. If He is putting you to the test, know that by passing the test your faith will be strengthened. Trust in Him today, obey Him and turn it over to Him. You will be so glad that you did.

Have a great day!