Can There Be Revival Without Repentance?

For the High and Exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy says this:  “I live in a high and holy place, and with the oppressed and lowly of spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and revive the heart of the oppressed.     Isaiah 57:15 HCSB

I have had several people, including a pastor, say they went to the altar at a revival and made a profession of faith because their friends or relatives were doing the same. They had an emotional response to the message. They weren’t saved at that time; they were simply swept up in the moment.

We hunger for revival in our communities and even in our nation. We want to see a change. We want to see people saved. We want our friends and loved ones to have eternal life in heaven instead of spending eternity in hell.

Perhaps you have been praying for revival and you have been encouraged by a revival in your community or one that receives national attention as the one in Asbury. On the surface, you would be grateful for this answer to prayer. But I encourage you to go deeper. I beg of you to ask the tough questions and look into what is truly happening.

With social media, we can see firsthand what is happening in many churches and/or revivals because it is live-streamed. We don’t have to travel there to see what is going on.

What’s most concerning about this revival is we are hearing sinners in attendance express a hope that people will be more tolerant of their sins as a result of this revival. I’m hearing many who have seen it and are writing about it say the gospel is not being preached. This should concern us all.

Revival is not about an experience or a feeling. It must bring about a change in our hearts. It must bring about a conviction of our sinful ways with a deep desire to make lasting changes. Can there even be a revival if there is no repentance?

Our Scripture passage tells us God revives the spirit of the lowly and the heart of the oppressed. Psalm 51:17 tells us the sacrifices pleasing to God are a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. It tells us God will not despise these.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say our sins will be overlooked or that Christians should conform to and be accepting of sin? Romans 12:2 tells us we must not be conformed to this world, but there must be transformation. Can we truly change if we don’t repent of our sins?

I saw firsthand the results of a revival preached when my dad was saved at the age of 80. He had lost most of his hearing and I’m sure he couldn’t hear much or any of the message. But he went from not going to church to wanting to go to this revival. He did hear the calling of the Holy Spirit. He was saved from his sin. He was repentant. He transformed and became a new creature in Christ.

You could see the difference in his life. His pride transformed into humility. His anger and bitterness were exchanged for peace and joy.

If God saves the oppressed and the humble in spirit and loves the broken and contrite heart, can we remain in unrepentant sin and have true revival? Scripture tells us no. It’s our repentance that brings about lasting change. If we are unwilling to repent, how will we change?

Our pastor always tells us true salvation changes our wants. Instead of wanting to sin, we want to please God.

I believe some revivals begin with the best of intentions, but if they don’t preach the gospel of Christ and if they don’t make sinners uncomfortable with their sins with a strong desire to repent, they can’t bring about true revival.

As Christians, we must be very careful when it comes to promoting these things. We must do our due diligence to see what all the fuss is about. Is it about confession, repentance, and transformation? Or it is sinners wanting Christians to accept them the way they are without repentance and living in unrepentant sin?

As the end draws nearer with each day, we will see more and more false prophets. We will see emotional meetings that call themselves revival. We must be careful not to get swept up in our emotions. We must be discerning. We must study God’s word and make sure that what is happening matches up.

Have a great day!