Blessed to Bless Others

Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble, not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing, since you were called for this, so that you can inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-9 HCSB

As Christians, we should do our best to promote unity. As believers we should set good examples to non-believers. They should see something in us that they want. When people see church members fighting amongst themselves, it doesn’t make them want to come there. They can go anywhere today and get that.

When they see so-called Christians lacking empathy, being arrogant and plotting evil they can find that anywhere also. In a world full of evil, hatred and pride we need to offer others what they are missing. We need to be humble. We need to be compassionate. We need to leave vengeance for God and trust Him with our cares and our troubles. We need to focus on being that beacon that shines and lights the way for the lost.

We need to focus on blessing others. This is what God calls us to do. Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of Christ. Jesus was tempted by the devil. He did as we are told to do in James 4:7, He submitted to God, resisted the devil and the devil left Him. Jesus was despised and rejected but He never perpetrated evil against those who despised Him. He didn’t resist when He was falsely accused, arrested, brought through a mockery of a court, and flogged and crucified. He did all of this to save worthless sinners like you and me.

We didn’t and don’t deserve what Jesus did for us, but He did it anyway. He did it so we would have the choice of accepting Him as our Savior and receiving eternal life. He is the only way we can get to heaven to spend eternity with God the Father (John 14:6).

If Jesus did this for us while we were sinners and so undeserving what gives us the right to think we can look down our noses at fellow sinners? What gives us the right to think we are any better than anyone else. Romans 3:32 says we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

There are no little sins or big sins, just sins. So, if you are using the old, “Well, what they did is way worse than what I did” argument, know it doesn’t fly.

One day we will all answer to God for what we said and did here on earth. Be very careful about what you say. what you type or post, and what you do. Ask yourself, “Am I being a blessing to others?” Ask yourself if others will look at you and see something different. Will others look at you and see a light that can guide them out of the darkness of this world?

My friend, if you want to inherit a blessing, you need to bless others. When you are hesitant to bless those people that don’t deserve it, remember neither do you, but God blessed you anyway.

If you fall short in this department, turn to God. He will be glad to give you a heart of compassion, even when dealing with your enemies. He will be happy to help you be humble. If you don’t submit to Him and He has to humble you, that won’t be so good. Submit your heart to Him. He will help you to bless others. He will show you the way.

Have a great day!