Being Like Christ

Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.     Ephesians 5:1 HCSB

God created us to be in close fellowship with Him. We serve a God who is loving and kind. God made us in His image. We are told in Genesiss 1:27 that God created man in His own image; He created them in the image of God; He created them male and female.

God created us for the purpose of being in close fellowship with Him. However, He gave us free will. He gave us the opportunity to choose to be like Him or not to be like Him. We can accept Him as Lord over our lives and surrender our lives to Him or we can reject Him. It’s our choice.

The thing is I have found we always tend to imitate or emulate someone. We get on the job training so we can learn to do the job the way we are trained to do it. Interestingly enough, you can usually tell whether or not a person had a good trainer by the way the person understands and performs their job.

God not only created us and gave us free will, but when sin entered the world, He had a plan for that. He sent His only Son to die on the cross so that we could have our sins forgiven. Jesus’ blood can wash us clean.

Jesus not only died for us, but He set an example for us. He showed us how to live as godly people. He showed us how to resist temptation. He showed us how to love others even when they aren’t so lovable. The Bible is our training manual.

In order to imitate Christ, we have to know what He was like. We have to study our Bible to know this.

We must communicate with Him daily through Bible study and prayer.

It’s not uncommon to see people try to look like their favorite famous person. It’s not uncommon to see someone who imitates some of the same things their parents or sibling do.

Hopefully, it’s not uncommon where you are to see those who actually imitate Christ as we are told to do.

If God made us in His image, obviously He hoped that we would be like Him.

The best way to imitate someone is to walk with them and talk with them and spend time with them on a daily basis. Actors often study people by spending time with them or reading about them or watching them when roles require them to represent that person.

Do you imitate Christ? Do you do a decent representation of Him in the world we live in? Could others look at you and get a glimpse of the love Christ has for others?

My pastor often says we may be the only Bible other’s read. We also may be the only glance they will have at what Christ is like. Don’t blow it. Daily walk with Christ and work on imitating Him to the best of your ability.

Make the choice and the effort to get to know all about Him. The more you know Him the more you will love Him and others. Practice makes perfect. The more you imitate Him, the more others will see Him in you.

Have a great day!