Before the Devil Takes Hold

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”     Luke 22:31 HCSB

Pay careful attention to what Jesus is saying here. He is telling Peter that Satan has asked to sift them like wheat. But he tells Peter He has prayed for him that his faith may not fail. He then instructs him to strengthen his brothers once he turns back. Jesus knows Peter’s faith is going to fail him and he is going to deny Jesus three times. He also knows Peter will go on to be even stronger after this. He encourages Peter to strengthen the other disciples.

We are living in a world where Satan is having his way with many people. He is sifting many like wheat. He preys on our children. I saw in the news yesterday where an 11-year-old in New Orleans murdered two people. I saw this morning where a 14-year-old in Georgia murdered four people.

It’s important that we understand Satan is going to try to control them. He is going to do his best to destroy our children, our families, our lives. In order for us to avoid this we must live in the shelter God provides for us (Psalm 91:1-2). We must daily put on the armor God provides for us in Ephesians 6:10-18. We must teach our children to do the same and must model faithful behavior for them.

And most importantly we must teach our children to love God and to honor God. We must teach them the importance of being in a close relationship with them. Proverbs 22:6 tells us that if we teach a child the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

There were a number of studies done in the late sixties through the early eighties that indicated sports deterred delinquency. However later studies done in the mid-nineties through 2016 have shown no significant association while others say sports is not a deterrent at all.

Other studies, however, have shown that raising a child in a religious environment can play a significant factor in decreasing chances of juvenile delinquency. There were two studies cited including and These studies looked at factors like moral and ethical guidance, community support, structured activities, and parental involvement. All of these things tend to be present in churches.

Satan wants our children. He wants to gain control while they are young. He can only go as far as God will allow. So, I ask you today are you praying daily for God’s protection on your children? Are you training your child to love the Lord? Are you teaching them of His love, protection and mercy? Are you seeing to it that they regularly attend worship services where the Bible is being taught?

Many parents say, “Well, I’ll just let them grow up and decide for themselves.” Do you use that same philosophy with attending school and brushing their teeth?

Satan wants our children. Put them under God’s protective embrace. Teach them to trust in Him and obey Him. See to it that they have the protection that only God can provide.

Many of us do many things to protect our children from child predators and other dangers yet fail to protect them from the worst predator of all, Satan. Don’t let your child go unprotected. Teach them to seek refuge in the one true God. Teach them to enter into a solid relationship with Him and to cling to Him. Teach them how to be protected before Satan gets a hold of them.

Have a great day!