Be Positive

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me-practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.     Philippians 4:8-9 HCSB

Let me say, I don’t care for negativity. I think it shows a great lack of faith. It appears to be an attempt to bring others down. I like to be positive. I strive to do that. I won’t say I am always successful. At times I allow negative thoughts to creep in, but I try not to.

Paul wrote this Scripture passage from the church at Philippi while he was imprisoned probably in Rome. Now notice he is encouraging the church at Philippi to focus on what is true, honorable, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise.

I have to tell you if I were in prison, I could only hope I would be encouraging others to focus on positive things. Paul showed here he not only talked the talk, but was walking the walk. He ends by telling them to practice what they have learned, received, heard and seen in him so the God of peace will be with them.

One could sum this up by saying if we focus on the positive, God will give us peace in our lives. I believe this to be true, because let me tell you I know some negative people. I can also tell you that peace is something they are often lacking. I often wonder why anyone would choose to be negative.

Maybe you are thinking no one chooses to be negative, they are born that way or life’s circumstances make them that way. I tend to disagree. Many things we do in life are a choice. I can also tell you I am a reformed negative thinker. There was a time in my life when I was always expecting the worst case scenario. I lived by my emotions which were determined by my circumstances. That was a miserable way to live, I can assure you.

Paul came from a wealthy, educated background. He was persecuting Christians thinking he was doing a good thing. But Jesus met up with him on the road to Damascus and blinded him with a light. Jesus showed him he was wrong. He told him to spread the gospel.

Paul did this but suffered greatly in the process. He was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked and imprisoned on numerous occasions. If anyone had a right to be negative, it would be Paul. Paul, however, stayed positive. He stayed laser-focused on God and the job Jesus had instructed him to do which was preach the gospel.

He went about preaching the gospel and planting churches. He was focused on God’s goodness and not his circumstances. This made Paul a shining beacon to those who were lost, even from his prison cell. In chapter four of Philippians, Paul encourages them to rejoice always.

This means we rejoice regardless of our circumstances. If we truly believe God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, why would we not rejoice no matter our circumstances?

Paul tells them not to worry or be anxious about anything, but to pray about everything and always be thankful to God. He tells them if they do so, the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus. Think about this. If instead of worrying, we will just pray and trust God, God will give us this peace others can’t comprehend. He will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

This in turn can help us to focus on the positive things in our lives. Those things which are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and commendable can be our focus instead of the negative things of this world. And finally, Paul reminds them to simply practice what they have learned from and seen in him.

He has not only taught them, but has demonstrated this for them. Paul knows this will give them peace, because He has experienced it himself. He is sitting in a prison cell at peace with whatever is coming his way.

If you are negative and fussy and just not fun to be around, there is a cure for that. Focus on God. He is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable and worthy of praise. If you focus on God, you can’t help but be positive.

Have a great day!