Be An Influencer

In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.     Matthew 5:16 HCSB

Simply put, the definition of the term, “influencer” is someone or something that influences another. But you probably recognize this term in the marketing world as someone who has the power to influence/affect the purchasing decisions of another. According to Wikipedia, influencers in the marketing world become successful based on a foundation of trust. By gaining the trust of their viewers they can shape purchasing habits and create trends.

Now you may not be an influencer in the marketing sense. You may not have your own social media platform to encourage others to buy a certain product. Whether you know it or not, however, you are an influencer. You do influence others. The question is do you influence them in a good way or a bad way?

When we sit on a church pew on Sunday morning and act like the devil Monday through Saturday, we are influencing others in a bad way. This makes us a hypocrite and can actually be a negative influence on those around us.

Jesus influenced many people in his 3 years of ministry. Although many came against Him, many were also saved. My question for you today is how will you influence those around you? Will they see the light of Christ in you, or will they see evil? You may think evil is a harsh word, but my friend we are either good or we are evil. I have found there is no middle ground.

But don’t ever think because you are a good person, it’s good enough. Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of Christ. Jesus was consistently good throughout His life here on the earth. He never sinned. He faced great temptation from the devil, but never sinned. The government came against Him, but He never sinned. Even as He was being falsely accused, through a mock trial, beatings and a crucifixion He never sinned.

If you are going to be influenced by anyone, I pray it is by Jesus Christ, Himself. I also pray you will influence others to imitate Christ as well. I want to go to heaven, and I want to take everyone I can along with me. If you have found the goodness of Christ, I know you want to do the same.

Look at how you live outside of church, does it honor God? When you speak do you try your best to honor God? Everything we do should bring glory and honor to God. It’s not about us, it’s about Him.

In all we do, someone is watching. We are influencing someone whether it is for the good or for the bad. Look at how you live your life. Let the light of Christ shine through you for all to see. When we do this, they will see it and want what we have. Then we will be influencing them to come to Christ.

There’s no better way to spend the time we have left here on earth.

Have a great day!