Artificial Intelligence

You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.     John 5:39-40 NKJV

We are told in James 1:5-6 that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God and He will give it abundantly and without reproach. In other words, He will give us plenty of wisdom without fussing at us about all the stupid stuff we have done, all we have to do is ask. That’s my translation. There is no reason for us to lack intelligence if we are simply willing to go to God and ask for it.

Today we are hearing and seeing a lot about Artificial Intelligence. It is impacting how we do our jobs, how we write and communicate with others, how we drive, and is creeping into everything we do.

According to Bing and Wikipedia, Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent human beings such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. It is intelligence demonstrated by computers as opposed to human or animal intelligence. AI encompasses the ability to learn and to reason, to generalize, and to infer meaning. It also encompasses subfields of machine learning and deep learning.

Interestingly enough, when I typed what I had read on those sites, Grammarly corrected their grammar, go figure. We are inundated with information and the technology just keeps going. Yesterday I had a conversation about cars that drive themselves. You can now buy vehicles that drive themselves and also parallel park themselves for those of you who hate to do that.

When you listen to some of the people who are running our nation, our state, and our local governments, maybe artificial intelligence doesn’t sound so bad.

When you have a governor who thinks it’s okay for parents to change the gender of their children, maybe artificial intelligence is better than human intelligence. I don’t want to pick on only our governor. There are horrible decisions made by government officials at every level every day.

When you consider how many people drive these days, maybe cars driving themselves is a much better option. At least we know the car isn’t texting or high on meth. So, that’s a good thing, I guess.

When I type this blog now, AI tries to guess what I will say and type an entire phrase out after I have typed only one or two words. Sometimes it’s correct, sometimes it’s not.

The problem is artificial intelligence is artificial. Artificial is defined as something made by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

There is no substitute for the wisdom we receive from God. Our Scripture passage tells us that we can study the Scriptures, but if we don’t come to Him, we will not have life. We know from John 14:6 that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father except through Him.

We also know that if we reject God, He will give us over to our evil desires according to Romans 1:21-23. This passage also tells us that these people who professed to be wise became fools.

We can use artificial intelligence to make our jobs easier. Just be careful it doesn’t cut you out of a job altogether. But we must understand that true wisdom or intelligence comes from God. Without Him, we tend to make some stupid decisions. The most of which is to reject Him.

You can know the Scriptures well, but if you don’t follow them, it does you no good (James 1:22). If you don’t come to Jesus and surrender to Him, you are still lost without a Savior. Don’t trust in artificial intelligence, trust in Jesus. Ask God to give you wisdom. There are false teachers out there that will tell you to trust in them and follow them.

This would be like putting all your trust in artificial intelligence. There is no substitute for God-given wisdom. Give your all to Him today and trust in Him. Ask Him for wisdom and discernment in these trying times. His wisdom and His timing are always perfect.

Have a great day!