Are You Out of Order?

But all things should be done decently and in order.     1 Corinthians 14:40 ESV

The term “out of order” can mean different things depending upon the context in which it is used. If a judge bangs their gavel and says, “Out of order!” it can mean someone is about to be held in contempt. There is a certain order in the courtroom. For the court to run smoothly, those in there must adhere to the order.

There are Bailiffs or law enforcement officers who are put there to maintain the order of the courtroom. They are there to enforce the rules of the courtroom.

If you see a sign that says, “Out of order” it can indicate that something is not working.

When anything is out of order, it just doesn’t work. If we go back to Genesis, we see that God made man to be over all the animals. He made women to be a companion and a helper for men. In Genesis 3 the serpent went to the woman and tempted her with the forbidden fruit. Adam didn’t step up but instead ate it along with her. It was all out of the order God intended. Things got chaotic for Adam and Eve then.

This created an eternal mess that we are still dealing with today. We have chaos and confusion when we don’t accept God’s order. We are told in 2 Timothy 3:16 that God’s word is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be equipped for every good work.

We should study our Bibles to learn the proper order as God intended. When we go to a new job, we read the manual and undergo training to understand the order of things like the chain of command, prioritizing tasks, etc.

Studying our Bibles helps us to understand the proper order in our churches, in our relationships, and our employee/employer relationships.

So, I ask are you out of order? For years I was out of order and didn’t even realize it. One way to know you are out of order is if you have chaos. Chaos is defined as complete disorder and confusion. The word confusion is used a lot in society today.

There is gender confusion, this one boggles my mind. God made determining gender pretty simple but leave it to humans to get it all twisted.

People become confused about their sexuality. People are confused about their manner of dress. All of these things are covered in the Bible. The Bible tells us the difference between right and wrong with all of these issues. It’s not confusing and it’s not complicated.

When we live outside of the order God intended, we live in chaos and confusion. No good comes from this. The Bible tells us about the perfect order for all living things, but we won’t know this unless we study our Bible.

To avoid falling into the pit of confusion that so many have fallen into today, we must fall into our Bibles. We must seek the Lord with all our hearts. We must love Him wholeheartedly and put our trust in Him. Most importantly we must submit to Him and the order he prescribes in His holy word.

If you are out of order, God can fix that for you, simply trust in Him and obey His commands. Adhere to the order He has set forth for us and live accordingly. This will help to eliminate any chaos and confusion.

Have a great day!