Are You In Fellowship With God?

This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.     1 John 5-7 NKJV

You ever wonder why you are here? I mean we have no say in being born, right? Well, we are told in Genesis 1:27 that God created man in His own image. Ephesians 2:10 tells us we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

The short answer is we were created to be in close fellowship with God. I’ve heard pastors say this over the years.  What is fellowship? Well, the dictionary defines it as friendly association.

God sent His only Son to earth to show us how we are to love, live and treat others. There is no greater friend than one who would give His life for you (John 15:13). Jesus set the example for us to follow and even gave His life for us. Only Jesus’ blood can wash our sins away.

It took me many years to understand that when I did not do what I was created to do, it caused problems in my life. When it finally registered that I was placed on this earth to love the Lord with all my heart and serve Him and others, it was like a burden was lifted. When I realized it wasn’t all about me and what I want, my life became easier. I realized I had a job to do.

I will admit, it was difficult when I worked really hard for something I wanted only to find out it was not in God’s plans for me. He did, however, use all that hard work I did to serve Him and others, years down the road. He had a good plan for my hard work, I just wasn’t privy to what it was for about ten years.

If I told you to sleep in your car and drive your bed to work, you would stop reading this because you would be sure I had lost my mind. And you would be right. That’s just crazy, isn’t it? It’s also crazy when we use ourselves for anything other than what the creator intended for us to do or be.

If you are using your time and energy to satisfy yourself and you tend to leave God out of the equation it would be about the same as sleeping in your car and driving your bed to work.

We were made by Him for Him. He made us in His image so we could be in close fellowship with Him. Even though we are flawed through our sinful nature, He sent His only Son so we could be reconciled to Him. He provided a way out of the bondage of sin and death. He had work for us to do before we were even created. This is why He gives each of us different gifts. We are given gifts and talents to serve Him.

Ask yourself today, “Am I in close fellowship with God?” Or has He become a 911 call when things are going rough? Has he become something you deal with when you have absolutely nothing else to do?

You mean so much to Him that He sent His Son to earth to live and die a horrible, humiliating death on a cross to save your sinful, sorry self. What does He mean to you? If you truly believe and Him and love Him, you will want to be in close fellowship with Him.

Have a great day!