Are You Among the Elect?

False messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.     Matthew 24:24 HCSB

The term “the elect” can be a bit confusing. We elect people to office by voting for them. But in Matthew 24 the term refers to those of us who have been redeemed. We choose to be one of the elect by surrendering to Christ as our Savior. Through His redemption, we become one of the elect.

In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples the signs of the end of the age. We are living in the church age which is the time from Jesus’ ascension into heaven until the time of the rapture. Which I believe will occur prior to the tribulation.

John 10:4-5 tells us it is not possible to lead the elect astray. In these verses, Jesus says, “And when he brings out his own sheep he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”

In Matthew 24:3, Jesus’ disciples asked Him to tell them what is the sign of His coming and the end of the age? Jesus replied in verse 4, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah’ and they will deceive many.”

We are seeing false prophets, false preachers and false churches all over the place these days. It is important that we not get swept up into these things. It’s important that we know our Shepherd’s voice and follow Him only.

The elect refers to the redeemed. We can only be redeemed by a kinsman redeemer. The book of Ruth offers a beautiful illustration of the kinsman redeemer and gives us a look at what Christ does for us. Jesus must redeem us because of our sin. Only Jesus’ blood can wash our sins away.

Matthew 24 gives us an understanding of what Jesus means by the elect. This term is used several times in this chapter. Jesus said in verse 13, the one who endures to the end will be delivered. Those of us who are truly saved will not endure on our own strength. We will endure because we have surrendered to Jesus Christ and rely on His strength to help us endure. Our faith and total reliance on Him will allow us to endure.

In verse 22, Jesus said if those days were not limited, no one would survive. He says they will be shortened due to the elect. It is believed that the time of the Beast on the earth during the tribulation will be 3 and 1/2 years. There will be those redeemed during the tribulation.

In vv. 30-31Jesus speaks of His coming after the tribulation. He will gather his elect, or those redeemed during the tribulation.

In vv. 36-44, Jesus compares this time to the days of Noah. In the days of Noah everyone was eating, drinking, partying and doing their own thing. They laughed at Noah for building this huge ark to prepare for the flood. Even today, as we are preparing for Christ’s return by being obedient to His commands, we deal with people who will scoff at us. People are doing as they please and are unprepared for Christ’s return. They will suffer the same fate as did those of Noah’s day. They will be carried off to death and judgment.

In vv. 45-51, Jesus tells them we must not live as though the time of his return is far off. We must live each day in preparation for His return. Those who faithfully trust in Him and serve Him will be rewarded. But those who do not plan for His return and eats and drinks with drunkards, Jesus said will be cut into pieces and placed with hypocrites in a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The time to prepare is now. Are you one of the elect? It’s time to be sure you are. Because I feel the day is coming soon when it will be too late.

Have a great day!