Are You A Wanderer?

Keep every command I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to cross into and possess the land you are to inherit, and so that you may live long in the land the LORD swore to your fathers to give them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.     Deuteronomy 11:8-9 HCSB

Our Bible study group has been in the book of Deuteronomy for the last few weeks. The Israelites are about to cross into the Promised Land. This lush land flowing with milk and honey. They have wandered around in the desert for the last 40 years. They have spent 40 years making what should have been a 14 day journey.

The book of Deuteronomy is one of those that is happiness mixed with sadness. They are finally making it to the Promised Land after all these years, but there are a few matters they must attend to. First of all the lands are filled with giants. Yes, giants, like Goliath except some even way bigger. Some of these people were estimated to range from 9-17 feet tall. God never said it was going to be easy, right?

But, God tells them through the whole journey, “Do not fear, for I go before you.” He tells them that He will deliver these giants over to them. They aren’t going up against these giants in their strength, but in God’s strength.

God needed them to trust Him and believe in Him. He required their obedience. Not partial obedience, which is disobedience, but full whole-hearted obedience.

As I’ve studied through this book, I realize that I too, have lived my life just as the Israelites did. For many years I wandered. I claimed to love the Lord, but I didn’t understand His great power. I just couldn’t wrap my little finite brain around His infinite power and wisdom. I was in slavery to sin just as they were slaves in Egypt. I would dedicate my life to the Lord, or at least say I was doing that. I would do good for a while, but then I would mess up again. I would cry to God to pull me out of the pit I had wandered into. He would and I would be grateful for a while, but then I would start the cycle all over again.

Back in the book of Exodus we see the Israelites leaving Egypt after 400 years of slavery. When Pharaoh came after them God parted the Red Sea for them and then closed it over Pharaoh and his men and drowned them. You would think that after God did all this, they would love Him and trust Him and obey Him. But, it didn’t work that way. They were stubborn. They would mess up over and over again.

Sadly, none of those who set out from Egypt would ever step foot in the Promised Land. Instead, they would wander around in the desert for 40 years going up and down being obedient, then disobedient, then repentant, then forgiven, then obedient, then disobedient only to repeat this vicious cycle time and time again.

I used to think, “Oh those poor foolish Israelites! If only they could just figure it out.” Then I realized that I am just like them. I spent years wandering around in the desert being disobedient, forgiven, obedient and disobedient all over again. I just didn’t get it, I couldn’t figure it out. Eventually, this lifestyle became exhausting. I cried out to God and He saved me, but there was one catch. I had to give it all over to Him. I have learned that as long as I give it all over to Him, He will take good care of me.

Through all their screw ups God took good care of the Israelites, but it costs them being able to enter the Promised Land. Only their descendants would make it in.

If you are making a half-hearted attempt at Christianity, God may take care of you, but you will never move forward to the Promised Land. We must put all of our trust into God. We must obey Him and love Him with all our heart and soul.

I’ve gone from God taking care of me into what God has called me to do and it is way better. I still go through hard times, but through the fire and the flood, God is right there beside me.  I have no need to fear when I stand before the giants, I know God goes before me.

Are you a wanderer? When we are not walking with God, we are wandering around aimlessly going nowhere. Before you were ever born, God had a plan for you and a purpose for your life. To be in God’s plan and experience His will for our lives, we must surrender to Him. We must submit ourselves wholeheartedly to Him. Are you willing to do that today?

Have a great day!