We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 HCSB
If you read my blog often, you know that I refer to this scripture passage often. We all want things to work for our good, right? We think we know what it means to love God, or do we? And do we really know what it means to be called according to God’s purpose? Let’s take a closer look at this.
To love God means to really love God and put Him first in our lives. It means that we honor and glorify God in our behavior and our speech. It means that we put what God wants before what we want. It means that we put God first in our day to day lives. We make time for Bible reading and prayer. We make time for Bible study and church.
When we love God and put Him first in our lives, it deepens our relationship with Jesus. It draws us closer to Him. When we are drawn closer to Him, we want to do what pleases Him.
This is where being called according to His purpose comes in. God has a purpose for each and every one of us. We weren’t put here on planet earth to decorate a church pew. We were given spiritual gifts with which he intends for us to serve Him. We were given talents that He intended for us to use to glorify and honor Him.
We were meant to grow. If you had a child or an animal or even a plant that just didn’t grow, you would know something was seriously wrong, right? Well, as Christians we are works in progress and should be continually growing in Christ. This is how our relationship deepens and how we discover His purpose for our lives. This is what brings us to the whole “all things working for our good”.
We start out as babies needing to be nurtured and fed. We need to attend Bible study. We need to attend church. We need to surround ourselves with mature Christians that can train and mentor us as we grow. We need to read our Bible daily and we need to pray continually about everything. Trust in God to help you make decisions whatever you may be facing. Rely on His guidance to lead you along the right path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
As you do this, you will realize that you have certain talents, certain strengths and weaknesses. You can develop these talents and use them to serve Him. You can go from being fed to feeding others. This is where we begin to grow and serve Him and others.
Our scripture passage promises that all things work for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. You must realize that it does not say that all things work for the good of everyone. If you are expecting God to work all things for your good, then you must love Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind (Luke 10:27). You must focus on Him and trust Him to take care of you (Matthew 6:33). You must also serve Him. We were all given different gifts (Romans 12:6-8). There is a church that is in need of your spiritual gift. Find that church and get plugged in so that you can serve Him.
If we are being honest, here, we all want things to work for our good always. The Bible is very clear on how to make that happen. So, what are you waiting for? Draw closer to Him and get to work!
Have a great day!