A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.     Ecclesiastes 3:1 HCSB

As we walk through this Holy Week. We are taking a look at what Jesus did and felt during the week before His crucifixion. It is important to remember as we read these passages, He is fully God. He knows what lies ahead of Him. He knows of the false arrest, mock trial, beatings, and humiliation that will follow. He knows He will be nailed to a cross and crucified. He knows this must all happen to save sinners like you and me. He is also fully man. He will feel the emotional pain of the betrayal. He will experience physical pain during the beatings and being nailed to that cross. He will struggle to breath as he hangs there.

On Wednesday of the Holy Week, two days away from the Passover, the chief priests and scribes were scheming and trying to come up with a way to trick Jesus and kill Him. They have tried to trick Him into saying something they could use against Him, but every time Jesus has outsmarted them. Jesus certainly knows what is going on behind the scenes, but He doesn’t stop, He continues to do just what God has called Him to do.

In Mark 4:1-11, Jesus went to the home of Simon the leper where He was anointed with a very expensive oil by a woman named Mary. Judas complained about this. He said the oil could have been sold to help the poor. Judas was in charge of the money. He was really upset because he took from the treasury and was thinking of how that oil could be sold to line his pockets (John 12:6). He scolded this woman saying this oil could be sold for 300 denarii which amounted to about 300 days wages for a rural worker. He incited others to scold her as well. But Jesus spoke up and told them to leave her alone as she was doing a good deed.by anointing his body before his burial. Again, He is trying to let His disciples know that He will die soon.

After this, Judas went to the chief priests and scribes who were busy trying to figure out how to kill Jesus. Judas agreed to betray Him for 30 pieces of silver and there they plotted as to how and when they might do the dirty deed (Matthew 26:13).

It is hard to fathom that Jesus knew what was in the hearts of these people and yet made no effort to stop them from what they were doing. He knew this was the will of His Father. He knew the time had come. He knew that God has a time for everything and the time for Him to become the sacrificial lamb for the atonement of sins was drawing oh so near.

The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus, but they feared a riot if they tried to do it during Passover. Judas coming to them was just what they needed to get it done. Poor, foolish leaders they did not understand the sovereignty of God. They did not understand that things are done on God’s timetable. The feast of Passover was a celebration of the Israelites release from slavery in Egypt. It commemorated the final plague in which God struck down all the first born in every household but spared the Israelites who had been instructed to pain their doorpost with the blood from a spotless sacrificial lamb. Jesus was going to be crucified. He was going to be slain and take the place of that sacrificial lamb. No longer would people have to sacrifice animals. Jesus’ blood would be shed to make atonement for our sins.

The chief priest and scribes along with their new ally, Judas began to plot the perfect time to betray Jesus. Little did they know that God would take care of that. God had already chosen when Jesus would die, when He would rise again and when He would ascend to heaven.

God has also chosen the time Jesus will return for His children. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus says, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”  He goes on to say in verse 44, “Therefore you must also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

God knew when Jesus would be crucified and when He would rise again. He knows when He will return for us. I beg of you to be ready. Trust in Him today. Surrender to Him and obey His commands.

Have a great day!