A Day Late

Now concerning that day and hour no one knows-neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son-except the Father only. As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah boarded the ark.
Matthew 24:36-38 HCSB

In this scripture passage, Jesus warns that we must be ready. No one knows when Jesus will come back for us. No one knows when we will die. We must be ready. In the story of the wise and foolish virgins, some of the bridesmaids were prepared and some were not. Those who were not had to go buy more oil for their lamps and in doing so were shut out of the wedding feast (Matthew 25:1-13). When Jesus comes back for us, it will be like a groom coming for his bride. Anyone who is not ready will be left out.

Jesus goes on to say we must be alert. He warns that when the rapture happens two men will be in the field, one will be taken while the other is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill, and one will be taken while the other is left. Jesus explains this as simply as possible. Tomorrow may be too late.

There is an old saying that says, “…a day late and a dollar short.” We all know someone who is chronically late. We all know someone who never seems to be prepared. If you are one of these people, please know this is too important for you to be late or unprepared. Jesus tells us we must be alert.

Jesus goes on to demonstrate his point by explaining how if the homeowner had known the day and time the thief would break in, he would stay alert and not allow his house to be broken into (Matthew 24:42-44). I have had my place burglarized. We have also had an attempted burglary. I can assure you had I known that the thief or thieves would come at a certain time I would have been prepared and they would not have gotten away with my possessions. And in the case of the attempted burglary, they would not have had the opportunity to damage two doors on my house trying to break in.

The question you must ask yourself today is are you ready? If you were to leave this planet in the next minute, perhaps even before you finished reading this, do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you would go to heaven to spend eternity with God the Father? Do you rest assured you are ready no matter what day or time Jesus will call you home?

This is one time we can’t afford to be late. We can’t afford to not be prepared. If you doubt being ready, draw near to God. Enter into a close, loving relationship with Him. Trust in Him and obey His commands. Be sure, you’re sure. And please, don’t put it off. Tomorrow may be too late.

Have a great day!