Who Is Yahweh?

But Pharaoh responded, “Who is Yahweh that I should obey Him by letting Israel go? I do not know anything about Yahweh, and besides, I will not let Israel go.”     Exodus 5:2 HCSB

Pharaoh said a mouthful there. It will become painfully obvious in the next 9 chapters of the book of Exodus that Pharaoh doesn’t have any idea who Yahweh is.

Yahweh is the Hebrew name for the one true God, the God of the Israelites. It is the biblical pronunciation of the name YHWH. The vowels were added for the purpose of pronunciation. It is pronounced Yah-way. Last week we spoke of how God told Moses to tell them that I AM had sent him. The name Yahweh, like the name I AM, encompasses the sovereign God who controls all things. It references the God that provides all we need.

In the next 9 chapters time and time again, Pharaoh will harden his heart against God. He will refuse to obey God’s commands. He will pay an extremely high price for his disobedience, but that won’t stop him. He will eventually pay the ultimate price.

It’s easy to look at Pharaoh and consider him to be foolish. Only a fool would not listen to God. Only a fool would not obey God’s commands, right? Well, this may not apply to you, but I spent many of my years being foolish. I spent years of my life acting as though I had no idea who God really was. Even though I attended church services on a regular basis, I didn’t know my God. I didn’t study His word. I didn’t make daily prayer a priority in my life.

I grew up in church. I had good role models that modeled a life of Christianity for me. I had no one to blame but myself. I should have known Yahweh inside and out, but I took Him for granted. I thought He would overlook my sin, you know give me a free pass. I was so wrong.

I learned God has no favorites. If we sin, we pay. I learned He loves me unconditionally. I know He’s got my back. He’s there for me.

I can honestly say now, I know Yahweh. I know why I must obey Him. I have learned so much about Him by studying His word and continue to learn every day through Bible study. I can also honestly say the more I have come to know Him the more I love Him. I fall deeper in love with Him each and every day. I trust in Him.  I know He’s with me. I know He’s got me.

Do you really, truly know Yahweh? Do you understand who He is and just how much He truly loves you? If you do, you will do all you can do to obey Him. It’s just that simple. You will have a strong desire to share His love with others. You will want everyone to understand how awesome He is.

If you really know Him, you will trust Him. You may still have bouts of fear, but you will quickly replace them with faith. You will recall all He has done for you. You will focus on His almighty, awesome power. You will know that He is much bigger than any problem we will ever face.

My friend if you don’t know Yahweh, there is no time like the present to arrange a meeting. We are told in James 4:8 if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. He is waiting for you to come to Him. He never forces Himself upon us. He simply waits with open arms. Run to Him today. Get to know Him. Fall deeper and deeper in love with Him every day through Bible study and prayer.

Have a great day!