So, if you have been raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-2 NKJV
Sometimes the word, “If”, has a huge impact. If this happens, the result will be this. The biggest impact of this little two letter word in our lives, however, is determining if we are truly saved. Paul says, “If we have been raised with Christ,” but it means the same thing.
If we have truly been saved, we have literally died to our old self and risen with Christ as a new creature in Christ. To be in Christ means we dwell in Him. It means our home is in Him. This means we strive to be like Him. We strive to please Him with the things we say and do.
Many people claim to be saved and may actually believe they are, but they act more like the devil. We live in a world today where we can simply identify as anything we want to be. We can identify as a cat if we so desire. I must warn you, however, simply identifying as a Christian is not enough. Identifying as a cat doesn’t make us a cat any more than identifying as a Christian makes us a Christian.
I use the term truly saved because some people elicit an emotional response at a church camp or revival and make a public profession of faith and get baptized, but it doesn’t make them truly saved. Some people do this because their friends or doing it or they want to impress their family members. This doesn’t bring about change in our lives. Our hearts don’t change. We still do the same things we did before.
We are still bogged down by earthly things. We still fret and worry over things we need to be turning over to God. We may still have the same sinful desires and participate in the same sinful behavior as before.
If we are truly saved, we don’t identify only as Christians, we identify with Christ Himself. He paid the price for our sins. He provided substitution for us on the Cross which allows identification with Him.
We know that with every day we spend on earth our time is getting shorter. We will face judgment. We need to focus on our forever home. We don’t need to be distracted and bogged down with the things of this earth. We don’t need to fret over evildoers. The Bible says this in several passages.
This doesn’t mean we neglect the things we should do here on earth, it simply means we do all things to the glory of God. We set ourselves apart from the world by the way we speak, act, and treat others.
My friend, our citizenship is in heaven. We are just passing through here. Don’t get entangled in this world with its sinful desires. Focus on the things above and the One above who saves us from our sin. Focus on your heavenly home. Do all things with Christ in mind.
If you are reading this and don’t know if you are truly saved, be sure. Speak with a trusted friend, family member, pastor or Christian counselor. We can’t leave this one to chance. James 4:7-8 says, “Submit yourself to Christ, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
Draw near to God and pray for salvation. When He calls you to salvation, answer the call. Die to your old sinful self and be transformed into a new creation in Christ. Trade the worries and chaos of this world for the peace that is found in Him.
Don’t just identify as a Christian. Be a Christian. Focus on Christ and those things that are above and experience the true peace and joy that comes from a life lived in Christ.
Have a great day!