Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26 ESV
My husband would probably tell you I am never at a loss for words, but in all honesty, there are times when there are no words. We live in a world where things are regularly taking place that just leave you speechless.
In our Scripture passage, Paul is referring to future glory. He is talking about our groanings for restoration through our Lord, Jesus Christ. When we are saved, we don’t only seek our own restoration, but that of all believers and all of creation.
I just read a quote by Charles Spurgeon which said our first concern should be our souls. Our desire as Christians should be reconciliation with Christ through salvation. It should be restoration. When we desire these things, that desire is sometimes so strong it can’t be put into words.
But we should not worry, because this is God’s will for us. The Holy Spirit desires this same thing for us to have reconciliation and restoration through our Lord Jesus Christ. This desire is so great, it can leave us at a loss for words. Praise God, though, we have an intercessor in Jesus Christ.
When we don’t know what to say or what to pray, He prays for us. He intercedes with God the Father on our behalf.
I don’t know if you have ever found yourself in such a dire situation that you didn’t even know what to pray, I can only recall that happening to me one time in my life. Things seemed so messed up, I couldn’t see any way toward restoration. All I could see was destruction. It seemed as if the devil had taken hold, and I didn’t know what to say or what to do. All I could do was call Jesus’ name. I simply prayed His name and called to Him for help. Just His name gave me a sense of peace. I knew that while this problem was way too big for me, He could handle it, and He did.
He will be there for you as well, you need only ask. Pride will tell us we can handle it, but we know God hates pride and pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18).
I once had a pastor say that he didn’t understand why we needed to pray. God knows what is in our hearts. I had never really thought about that, but it’s true. I do know, however, that God doesn’t step in until we ask. Yes, He knows we need help, but He waits patiently for us to ask.
I remember when my niece was 2 years old, she was fiercely independent and was always saying, “I got it.” When I would ask if she needed help that was her standard response. One day she was trying so hard to reach something on a shelf that was just beyond her reach. She stretched and stretched. I watched and waited and finally she looked back at me and said, “I don’t got it.”
I can so identify with this. Many times in my life I have tried to do things on my own only to find myself in a seemingly impossible situation. But praise God, when I cried out to Him, He was there for me. Today, I realize in all things to pray to Him because God’s got this! Even when I don’t know what to pray, I can call on Jesus.
You may be at a loss for words, but you are never at a loss for a Savior. Turn to Jesus today.
Have a great day!