The Greatest Test

Then Abraham reached out and took the knife to slaughter his son.     Genesis 22:10 HCSB

Genesis chapter 22 clearly shows us how God tests our faith in Him. I think in reading this chapter, we can all agree that Abraham passed this test with flying colors. When God told Abraham to get up the next morning and go to a place God had chosen and sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering, Abraham never questioned God.

A few chapters back, when God told Abraham he was going to destroy Sodom, Abraham pleaded with God. He even bargained with God. God agreed to spare the city if 10 righteous men could be found there. We know this was not the case and the city was destroyed. Abraham never questioned or pleaded with God concerning sacrificing his son, Isaac. He and his wife Sarah had waited over 25 years for their son. Isaac had been born to them in their old age.

Why did he not even question God? The answer is simple. He didn’t question God because he trusted God. God had told him numerous times He would make Abraham the father of a great nation and his descendants would be as numerous as stars in the sky. He had just told him one chapter back that his offspring would be traced through Isaac. Isaac was believed to be a young man at this time maybe somewhere between 12 and his early 20’s. He had no children of his own at this point, so Abraham trusted God even if it meant God had to bring Isaac back to life after this sacrifice occurred. We are told this in Hebrews 11:17-19.

In verse 5 Abraham tells the two young men he brought with them to stay with the donkeys. He tells them that he and Isaac are going to worship. He says, “Then we will come back to you.” He doesn’t say, “I” he says “we”. He has no idea how God is going to save Isaac; he just trusts that He will. He trusts God completely. He knows God is sovereign. He knows God is faithful and keeps His promises.

Our Scripture passage tells us that after building this altar, stacking the wood, tying up Isaac and securing him on the altar, Abraham reaches out to slaughter Isaac. This is when God stopped him. God told Isaac that He now knew that Isaac trusted Him and loved Him above anyone or anything else. Abraham had proven his true love for God. He had proven his faith in God. God blessed Isaac for this.

Isaac had passed the test. Could you pass this test? I’ll be honest and say I would love to say, “Yes”. But I think of my grandchild, my nieces and nephews and I wonder if I could pass this test.

I pray I never have to find out. I have, however, discovered that God does put our faith to the test in trying times. He wants to know if our faith can be stronger than our fear. He wants to be assured that we will put Him first and obey His commands.

When Abraham passed the test, God blessed him. He reassured him that Isaac would be the father of a great nation. He promised him that Isaac’s offspring would possess the gates of his enemies. This means Isaac’s offspring would conquer and possess the promised land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua.

As times get more and more difficult, we must trust in God with all our heart. He’s got this. We must also remember that while God tests us, He never tempts us, this is explained in James 1:13. Trust in God in trying times. Lean on Him and do as you are told. Abraham did as God told him. He never questioned God. God provided the sacrifice and blessed Abraham for passing the test.

Abraham gave us a great example of how we pass the hardest of tests. Follow his lead when you feel you are being tested.

Have a great day!