Are You Ready for the Storm?

Now this is what the LORD says- the One who created you Jacob, and the One who formed you, Israel-“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.”  Isaiah 43:1-2 HCSB

Over the last few days here in Southeast Louisiana the greetings have gone from, “Hey how are you doing?” of “How’s your mom and ’em?” to “Are you ready for this storm?” There is no bread to be found on the shelves. Many grocery items are in short supply. Gas is scarce.

When we hear a storm is potentially coming our way, we buy things like water, bread, batteries, candles, and gas. We prepare for the worst-case scenario. We have come through storms like Katrina and Ida, and we know the potential for extended power outages and business closures. So, we prepare.

I just wonder if you stood in front of the grocery stores and gas station and surveyed people, how many of them are prepared for the storms we face in day-to-day life? How many are prepared for the rapture? Have they thought about how they would survive during the tribulation if they were left behind? Have they thought about where they would go if they died today?

We prepare for things like storms and hard times. We save money for a rainy day. The most important things we should prepare for, however, we often fail to do. We teach our children how to prepare for these things, but do we teach them how to prepare for life’s trials and tribulations. We are all going to face trials and tribulations. The Bible makes this very clear. Are we prepared for those?

In our Scripture passage, the LORD is speaking through His prophet, Isaiah. He is trying to prepare the Israelites for a really big storm. They are going to face His judgment. They are going to be taken captive by the Babylonians. They have spent years in idolatry. They have refused to repent and turn back to God. His wrath is going to pour out on them. He is letting them know He loves them. He has redeemed them and called them by name. He is going to protect them.

Just as there are those who don’t prepare for the storm, there were Israelites who did not listen to these warnings. God sent prophets to let them know this was coming. He gave them centuries to get it right, but still they refused. They remained stubborn and prideful.

God remained true to His Word. God protected those who trusted in Him. He protected to those who remained obedient through the hard times. There are many chapters in the Old Testament about the wonderful things God did to protect those who trusted in Him.

As the storms of life head our way, we need to understand that the most important preparation we will ever make is trusting in Jesus. Without Him, we can be overwhelmed and overtaken.

With Him, no matter what comes our way, we can be protected. Psalm 91:1 says, “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.” We must choose to abide in the shelter God provides for us. We must choose to surrender our lives to Him and trust in Him.

In the case of hurricanes forecasters can attempt to predict where they will make landfall, how strong and damaging the winds can be, but they are merely guessing because only God knows. What we can know for sure, however, is God is in control. God controls this storm, and He will protect those who trust in Him.

I strongly encourage you today to make trusting in Jesus your first step in being prepared for the storms coming your way. Surrender your life to Him and choose to live in His protective embrace.

Have a great day!